Jurgita de Kaunas was going almost 800 thousand a month. Steps: “I recommend everyone to go” | Culture


Jurgita, which belongs to the “Narsuoliai” club, which brings together active people and travelers, became the one that took the most steps in a month: 794 785. It is true that it is interesting that J.Benaitytė has taken so many steps when there were still restrictions between municipalities. Jurgita, like other brave people, is involved in the challenge of the step.

The team that is preparing the last preparatory steps for Kaunas – European Capital of Culture 2022 invites all residents of the city and district of Kaunas to move forward together towards the title year and invites them to take the challenge of the steps.

Together with the helpful # walk15 tutorial app, the goal of the “No step without culture” step-by-step is one billion steps. The challenge, which will last all year 2021, is invited to overcome it in a community way, joining virtual teams and going beyond your district, city or old age.

City and district residents who have accepted the challenge will be able to take steps at home, in the most beautiful places in the city and municipalities of the Kaunas district, and on safe and intriguing routes created by Kaunas IN, along with business development. and city tourism and international marketing promotion agency. Helpful Steps Gadget.

The challenge is like a game

While we were living a normal life, Jurgita did not count the steps, but this time she accepted the challenge as a fun game.

“I’ve never done it before: I went, but I didn’t count. But when I participated in the challenge, I thought the goal could be 400 kilometers per month. When I started walking, I saw the mileage increase. So I thought maybe 500 kilometers, even later 550. And at the end of the month there were 611 kilometers in total, ”said Jurgita.

Dividing the kilometers, Jurgita travels about 20 kilometers a day. As she herself says, the difficulty is only the beginning. “I immediately walked 10 kilometers and thought: wow, my legs hurt. But then the body gets used to the rhythm, to the load and it is not difficult to walk those 20 kilometers a day. It seems to be without much effort.

The kilometers are distributed throughout the day: I go out for lunch for about an hour and a half, after work, before going to bed. After a while, you will cut kilometers, ”said the woman from Kaunas.

“It was a lot of fun when there was a lot of snow”

Since it was not possible to travel between municipalities, Jurgita walked in Kaunas, in the city itself.

“I changed places to go. It was a lot of fun when it was snowy and cold. Since I am a traveler, I have the right outfit for this weather. Although it is said that there is no bad weather, but if you do not have the right clothes, it will be cold.

We walk through the Kaunas lagoon, from Pažaislis. Žaliakalnis, Petrašiūnai – there are such places in Kaunas, it just takes ingenuity. Or Shančiai. It is also a discovery, because you see new places that you have not been before ”, said the interlocutor.

There were days – on weekends – when Jurgita did not walk 20, but 40 or 30 kilometers: “My colleague and I thought that today we would go, for example, 40 or 30 kilometers. Then you go in the morning, early. But it is impossible for a hard-working person like me to go out for so long ”.

Personal file photo / Kaunas Jurgita was going almost 800 thousand a month.  Steps

Personal file photo / Kaunas Jurgita was going almost 800 thousand a month. Steps

There is more motivation

Jurgita calls mountain trips and hiking her way of life. And walking is part of your everyday life in general.

“Jobs, houses – the center around, so I walk everywhere. Even when there were no special devices, I was also walking enough. And when the challenge came, there was an internal feeling that more effort was needed. This generates more motivation. , the desire to compete with others, ”said Jurgita.

Speaking of the benefits of walking, J.Benaitytė primarily emphasizes health.

And that I would be stronger. There are always thoughts about mountains in my mind, so at the same time it is a kind of preparation for future trips to the mountains.

Watching television is not very acceptable for me, it is important that I move as much as possible, to be healthier, to have more strength in the mountains.

Another thing that I really like is going alone. Then I listen to music, a kind of meditation, my time for myself, thoughts. I have many thoughts about the future, what to do, new thoughts arise. Going is a kind of escape, “Jurgita said.

Personal file photo / Jurgita Benaitytė

Personal file photo / Jurgita Benaitytė

Going is a joy

What about fatigue? Of course, says Jurgita, after 40 or 50 kilometers, you get tired. Feel your legs and muscles: “But it’s okay. It’s fun, it’s a test of your strengths and possibilities. And this is not the end, because in spring I dream of going more ”.

According to Jurgita, everyone has to assess themselves and go as far as possible: “For others, 4,000 steps is a challenge. But go a little and adapt. Here as a race: start from one kilometer, two and then five will run. Going is a joy. Rest your head, breathe fresh air, get away from work, away from the computer.

I would suggest everyone to go, I am very happy that more people are joining, there are various challenges. They are like an incentive to go, not to be the last. There is emotion. “
