Jūratė Bitinaitė, who is creating life in Mexico, is going through a divorce: I could sit back and wait for it to change, but it is an absolute illusion


Jūratė decided to share his experiences on LNK’s lifestyle show “Bus visko” this Tuesday night at 8 pm, the press release says.

The woman who had created an impressive career one day realized that she was not happy: “I no longer felt the meaning of working in a large corporation or traveling to another country,” says J. Bitinaitė. The interlocutor says that the whole world was under his feet at that time, but there was still no sense of fullness.

Jūratė calls herself a spiritual tourist, she says that she has accumulated so much knowledge in ten years that she felt it was time to share it. After working for a giant corporation, the woman became a holistic healing and kundalini yoga teacher and, at the age of thirty-eight, started a family with a spiritual training guru, Hiller de México Mario. Jūratė always thought that she would need specialized help to get pregnant at a later age, but today she is convinced that it was thanks to kundalini yoga that everything happened so quickly.

“Kaya was not an unplanned child. Mario and I knew that we were going to come together not only for ourselves, but for a big and solid project. We were in absolute flow, allowing something to happen, but we weren’t expecting it to happen that fast. Kaya is a special girl. She was born and started during the full moon, ”the former television star will share on the show. The couple chose the name Kayos for the girl not by chance. In Hawaiian it means the same as Jūratė in Lithuanian and Mario in Spanish: the sea.

Officially, the couple never married, but had a ceremony to strengthen their union under the starry sky of Tulum, blessed by a Mayan shaman: “We have had a ceremony that is much more important to him and me than going to sign some papers. ., “.

Unfortunately, this love was not meant to last forever. After three years, Jūratė and Mario decided to live apart.

“Two people need to know each other well before starting a family. In our case, that was not the case. The only way to save the family was to compromise, but it was failing on their part. I could sit back and wait for it to change, but it’s an absolute illusion. It was a conscious decision that for us, as two people, a man and a woman, it no longer makes sense to be in a couple, ”says Jūratė.

In the program, the woman will open that this was the most fragile period of her life, in which she learned to trust herself again and accept everything, she will not hide the fact that it was very difficult.

A frequent viewer might think, if two spiritual masters have failed to save the family, then what to wish from an ordinary person, but Jūratė is open, it is not always the right decision to stay in a relationship, and she is also just one person. Personal experiences allowed a better understanding of my students’ problems. Kundalini yoga and various breathing practices have helped not only Jūratė but also hundreds of women who have gone through their Bloom training to understand their emotions and release pain faster. The interviewee teaches women how to be happy and how to build a harmonious relationship with a man: “The biggest mistake a woman can make in a relationship is trying to change the man. At that time, a man always wants to be next to a woman, not next to another man who is in the body of a woman. You don’t need another competitor at home, another ego game, psychosis at home. A man needs warmth. If he doesn’t get it from his wife, he’ll start looking for a place to take refuge, ”said a holistic and kundalini healing teacher living in Mexico in a very open conversation.

Jūratė graduated, as she herself puts it, from traces of erotic energy and claims that sex is an integral part of a happy relationship. A holistic treatment therapist is convinced that sexual arousal is an energy engine that helps preserve not only youth or joie de vivre, but also the pursuit of career heights. A woman who is full of energy, taking antidepressants or contraceptives loses her sexual desire, at which point men often forget that intimacy in a relationship is not just a relationship. On the show, Jūratė will share practical tips on how to regain a passion for relationships that have lasted for more than a decade.

Starting his training with the organization of retreats and spiritual development camps, Jūratė was not afraid to establish a unique awareness platform: the Bloom tribe awareness account, where various distance trainings are held several times a week in groups and individually and she says it is much more effective than a weekly camp in the most beautiful corners of the world.

“Yes, flying to the Maldives, Bali or Tulum is a lot of fun, everything is beautiful and good here. But what to do when you get home? When everyday and life worries start to come under pressure and suddenly the first conflict with the husband, the children get bad grades again and do not shy away from the computer. Life goes on. Therefore, it is much easier to apply the knowledge acquired through distance education in your daily routine ”, says a teacher of spirituality and conscience, who will reveal that sometimes a single seminar is enough to change a whole life.

The teachings of the Bloom tribe cover many areas, one of which is dedicated to the development of mindful nutrition. Jūratė herself will admit that she is not a man of extremes and does not teach her followers that. The founder of a unique awareness platform eats meat, but has given up sugar entirely and is not giving it to his three-year-old daughter, Kayai. The girl attends a kindergarten based on the Waldorf methodology and awaits the opening of the popular Bali School in Tulum, where she intends to attend primary school.

“Children play in the jungle, in nature. Dolls do not have faces to make things happen through imagination. […] The same cloth is one day the dress of a princess and the next is the sail of a ship, ”says Jūratė about her daughter’s non-traditional upbringing.

The interlocutor also decided not to stay in Mexico after the divorce: “For me, living in Mexico is quality and comfort and these two words are not necessarily luxury. For me, quality is buying a tomato or a banana and seeing it spoil in two days ”.

The woman does not plan to return to Lithuania.

“One of the main reasons I don’t live in Lithuania is Lithuanian provincialism and self-expression.”

Jūratė Bitinaitė will speak about the fullness of life, spiritual development and self-realization, the happy relationship in a couple, sexual energy and raising children this Tuesday night at 8 pm on the LNK show “Bus Everything “.

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