Juozas, who is doing military service: if you don’t want to separate, try to avoid it


“My personal advice: if you are smart, if you don’t want to part, try to avoid it. Of course, if you already know that you are going to do military service, then prepare yourself physically and become strong psychologically ”, at the end of the conversation, when asked what he would like to prepare for the service, Juozas said in January.

The 19-year-old spoke to me twice: at the end of January and now. This time Juozas was afraid to talk about problems in the army in his own name, he asked not to mention certain facts about him, because he was afraid of being identified by the commanders – who might start looking at the boy in a different way – to give him more work and physical activity. And at the end of the interview in January, he was invited to speak again after the service: the boy considered that the situation and his opinion would change.

Speaking for the first time, Juozas emphasized that it is not an ordinary “cry”, because he maintained all the physical norms perfectly, so he did not have any problems due to his physical condition.

“When you read articles of this nature often, you start to imagine guys who are physically incapable and can cry,” commented the guy.

Now that Juozas has completed his military service and has contacted me, he is no longer afraid to speak in public. He told the news portal tv3.lt about his disappointing experience in the army: about the lack of smart people, about the prison lingo among commanders and soldiers alike, about the lack of food, even physical ailments, and about all the others. army nonsense. . But especially from the beginning.

“Unless a very bad citizen can become a little more honorable.”

According to Juozas, one of the motivations that motivated him to go to the army was the opinion formed in the media and advertisements that patriotism develops in the army and the qualities of an honorable citizen are formed. However, according to Juozas, what is advertised is different from the real situation inside.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Because, as in my time, I consider myself a fairly enlightened person. And when I came here, I found immature communication, prison jargon, both between soldiers and commanders. And it’s quite complicated for me here. .

I dropped out of school and I have the feeling that I have been among people even more immature than before. So I was very surprised when it arrived. <...> Anyway, people here agree, but it happens that they stay, change, send ugly, etc.

It is not a very honorable institution, as the media often tells us. Because when you say, come to the army, put yourself to the test, become an honorable citizen, I don’t know … Unless a very bad citizen can become a little more honorable, at least in my personal opinion, ”Juozas shared his experience in January.

Now the guy says his opinion hasn’t changed since then. Little of what he claims was negatively influenced by the influence of the army.

“I also started cursing for a few moments, because there was a lot of stress in the army, there were many tasks that had to be done quickly and precisely. And it didn’t just happen to me.

In addition, several people who did not smoke before the service began to do so.

There was simply nothing to do, there was culture around him, he gave up. Some began to curse. When you live with ten of those people, and commanders are usually like that, we take an example from them, because we are supposed to learn from them. It happens that if you do not have a column, it is very easy to slip.

Of course, we had people with addictions and convictions, which really added discipline to them. It’s true, I don’t know how they are doing now ”, the volunteer shares his experience.

Juozas points out that not all people in the military environment were less intellectual. According to him, there were several people he interacted with, and there were also commanders who set a good example.

“There are several friends left after the army, with whom we have been in contact until now. They were like me, tough, wanting something more in life. I really want to point out that not everyone in the army is stupid, there are really educated people, there are good commanders, ”says the volunteer.

I tried to distance myself from the negative environment through intellectual activity.

Juozas says that he read a lot in the toilet, learned languages, played chess, and all this to distance himself from the negative environment.

The volunteer also notes that he lived a very disciplined life before the service and promoted a healthy lifestyle, the rhythm of which was “beaten” as soon as the service began.

“I practiced much more sport before the army, I watched my diet, I took great care of my health, I ran a lot, I read a lot. Sure, I can do that in my spare time too, but there isn’t much of that. And here you have no other option, you have to live according to the schedule. Basically, when I came here, I got into that zone of comfort and vegetation, where I am not very satisfied, personally I do not improve, ”Juozas said in January.

Now, after completing his service, the volunteer says that he is trying to return to his previous form and is accelerating to his previous pace. Recognizing that this is not easy to do.

It is difficult not only emotionally but also physically

According to the volunteer, it was difficult and physically for him in the service: the guy says that he did not get enough necessary substances with the food, which made him sick.

“Most people have enough food here, but I think it’s absurd for a 5-foot-1 girl to eat as much as a 2-meter boy. That is definitely not enough for me personally as a tall person, ”says Juozas.

It is true that the boy does not complain at all about the quality of the food, but he doubts that he will get all the necessary ingredients.

“The menu is made up of nutritionists, the portion must contain 4,000 calories, although I highly doubt it,” Juozas said in January.

The boy said that after a short return from home, he tried to compensate for the nutrients because he was constantly suffering from muscle spasms due to their lack.

“When I get home, I always eat a camel (laughs). Because, for example, after returning home, at the end of the week, I start to feel physically starved, cramps start. I’m lucky I brought vitamins – potassium, vitamin D, save a little bit, “the guy said in January.

Speaking now, Juozas said that due to poor diet, he suffered even more serious health problems at the end of the service: he often had indigestion and vomiting.

“I don’t know why this happened. I think that when you eat so fast and eat a lot of food for so long, and it’s the same thing, it didn’t happen to me alone and my stomach struck,” says Juozas.

I did not try to raise issues in public out of fear

Speaking to Juozas now, he says he has not tried to comment on problems in the military during his service. The guy says he tried to go unnoticed in the service, because if you start expressing discontent in the army, you will earn the displeasure of the commanders.

“In the army, as one of the commanders said, ‘initiative kills the initiator.’ It is such a system in the military. Justice is not worth seeking here, because if you had sought the truth in public, your living conditions in the military would have been much worse. Because the people who were detected had to work more, like them, they had to do more sports.

And while you are in the military, especially the conscript, you have to go unnoticed. Especially if you want to slide quietly, pass the service “, – the volunteer shares her experience.

Polls did not inspire change

According to Juozas, there were surveys about the army in the service, but according to the boy, nothing changed after them, and once, as he says, the commanders mocked the results of the survey.

“It used to be anonymous polls and I didn’t know who was writing what, so we wrote there who was thinking what.

But after those polls, nothing changed. It was about service, carried out throughout the army, so they didn’t feel much change. I remember when there was a survey, after receiving their results, the commanders just made fun of those results and nothing changed, ”says the guy.

He dreamed of joining a military academy, now he chooses the path of a doctor

Immediately after 12th grade, Juozas wrote an application to volunteer for military service. The guy says he only had a short-term summer job after school, so he had nothing to lose when he went to the military.

“This occurred to me because I had no clear life plans. While studying, I thought about joining the General Jonas Zemaitis Lithuanian Military Academy, so after school I decided to put myself to the test and see what that army was like.

Before, I was interested in military affairs, so I found it quite charming, “the guy said in January.

According to Juozas, after performing the service and seeing the situation within the army, he does not even consider entering the military academy and promises to choose the path of a doctor.

The Armed Forces: Obligation to act in accordance with the Code of Military Ethics

Major Gintautas Ciunis, representative of the Department of Strategic Communication of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, writes in his reply to the tv3.lt portal that the etiquette of soldiers in the Lithuanian Armed Forces is regulated by the Soldiers’ Code of Ethics.

“This is a document approved by order of the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania, which must be fulfilled by all soldiers serving in the Lithuanian Armed Forces both on and off duty. According to him, every soldier must protect the honor of the soldier, his good name and act in such a way that his actions or conduct do not degrade the name of the soldier, not carry out, promote or tolerate conduct that degrades human dignity, act honestly and follow the general rules of courtesy. The code also stipulates that a soldier must communicate with other people in a courteous and practical manner, remain restrained and tactful in all situations, not use uncensored words, and improve their language and culture of communication. Compliance with this code of ethics in the military is monitored by commanders at all levels, and they must first be informed of alleged violations.

The Lithuanian Armed Forces is a professional institution that guarantees the security of the state, strictly following the Constitution, laws and leadership orders. There are no “subcultures” in the Lithuanian Armed Forces, no manifestation of non-statutory relationships is tolerated. However, it is also important that the army is a large organization that is not closed or isolated, it serves people who are part of the same society, so violations can naturally occur, which are always evaluated accordingly according to the Statute of Military Discipline. writes May. G. Ciunis.
