Julius Nashchenkov: The Legacy of the Karbauskis Era


Patrons with politics?

When LVŽS and R. Karbauskis entered the Seimas in 2016, they garnered 111,525 votes, a figure that opened the mouth of all those who considered R. Karbauskis a newcomer to politics. But it was far from new, just as the votes cast were not a coincidence. R. Karbauskis invested a lot of time and money in the employment and education of the youth of the region, using recognizable faces as ambassadors, including an authority like Andrius Mamontovas.

The network created from the initiatives and charities of R. Karbauskis made it possible to mobilize a significant number of voters. And where else is the Naisiai opium? Yes, R. Karbauskis was much more prepared for victory than usual.

When R. Karbauskis learned that he did not drink alcohol, the citizen believed that he was a man who, as he understood, would make the Lithuanian village drunk and drown the children in a well.

He also had a wide range of advisers – the academics sitting at his desk then didn’t necessarily want to remember that experience today.

Always sober

Still, the danger bells sounded for R. Karbauskis’ character and mentality, but we are used to hearing what we want: that is, what confirms our knowledge or opinion. When R. Karbauskis learned that he did not drink alcohol, the citizen believed that he was a man who, according to him, would make the Lithuanian village drunk and drown the children in a well.

His fanatic and illogical pride in not having tasted coffee in his life was not heard in this way, a subtle proof that this man’s principles and attitudes do not accept change, innovation and deny the dynamics of life. Even a moderately attentive HR specialist will consider this several times before hiring a personality of this design: Not only are the stubborn blind incapable of learning from mistakes, they fail to recognize them, are insensitive critics, and often put equipment at risk.

Dangerously persistent

Perhaps that stubbornness allowed R. Karbauskis to challenge the alcohol industry. Because 2016 was not the first year that drunk drivers killed people, drunk parents harmed children and drunk politicians harmed the civil service, but there was no daring to oppose the alcohol industry until R. Karbauskis.

Some of the solutions that brought sobriety were ineffective, others just weren’t without the additional preventative measures that accompany them.

Because funds quickly emerged to organize beer rock protests, hire public opinion leaders as alcohol ambassadors, and bite the decisions of R. Karbauskis and his Minister of Health, Aurelijus Veryga, regarding the reduction of alcohol consumption.

And the cartoons were easy because some of the solutions that were supposed to bring sobriety were ineffective, others were simply ineffective without the additional preventative measures that came with them. And so far it is not clear whether R. Karbauskis simply implemented his whim without pursuing sustainable consequences, or whether he sincerely wanted a more sober and therefore more meaningful tomorrow for Lithuania.

Strategically immature

R. Karbauskis was no longer the most surprising, perhaps because he persistently presented himself as an ace on the strategic boards and the games of life. But as soon as he entered the Seimas, the green man bought a huge and polluting car, and he also tried his best not to stop talking about his novel and Greta Kildišienė’s.

However, I am convinced that R. Karbauskis was not like that due to lack of intelligence or insight, he was always put on his feet by that unfortunate character who, under conditions of tension, became even more difficult to control and the supposed strategies went to hell .

Therefore, the entire previous period was marked by strange speeches, meaningful decisions only in the short term and unproductive conflicts, gradually involving everyone around us.

As soon as he entered the Seimas, the green man bought a huge, polluting car, and also tried his best not to stop talking about his novel and Greta Kildišienė’s.

Conflicts without catharsis

Sources from the Seimas say that it is easier to count not R. Karbauskis’s conflicts, but the people with whom he avoided conflicts, and there are only a handful of them. On the other hand, look for a leader who has no enemies.

But conflict is not equal to conflict. So many R. Karbauskis conflicts seemed without a deeper strategic meaning, even the victories in them were not worth the time, attention and burned bridges. I sincerely doubt whether R. Karbauskis will look back and realize how much more he could have done if he had controlled his emotions and used such drunken vision; he had to do it so many times, and so many times the reflection failed.

Conflict not only with the colleagues of the Seimas, but also with their own ministers, with essential groups of society: doctors and educators. The tensions had reached the tensions of Andrius Kubilius, and the country was in a much more stable economic situation.

So many R. Karbauskis conflicts seemed without a deeper strategic meaning, even the victories in them were not worth the time, attention and burned bridges.

Generous heart

The children’s money was actually a long-awaited decision, just like the money for the elderly, regardless of the bribe, regardless of the lump sum payment, but its recipients expected and needed the decision. However, the beneficiaries needed a much more serious adjustment of the benefits and compensation system; After this day, it is hard to believe that the majority of the peasants not only did not reform the benefits and allowances system, but did not even approve the health system reforms.

This sounds even more incredible when it is recalled that the coalition of Viktor Uspaskich, Rolandas Paksas and Algirdas Butkevičius managed to pass the reform of the Labor Code, also known as Social Relations Reform.

And what is selective generosity worth when systemic problems take over that one-time profit? Apparently, the most valuable question of what is going on in the mind of the chief strategist is that he prioritizes short-term repairs where capital is unavoidable.

All or nothing

People who are pampered by life have this mindset: they have whims instead of goals. Whims, as a rule, are not sustainable or long-lasting; nobody gets angry if the whim is abandoned.

And what is selective generosity worth when systemic problems seize that one-time profit?

It seems that the construction of society according to his own image was a whim of R. Karbauskis, and for that whim power was needed. There is no possibility to build everything according to yourself, there is no more interest, R. Karbauskis is simply tired: after all, all or nothing.

But the face of the weather must be maintained: just as a person who does not admit his mistakes to himself, will publicly admit that he is leaving because he has lost. “Ask me to stay,” said R. Karbauskis to the new majority of Seimas. Of course, no one asked to stay, not even happy to ditch the extra stimulus. And he did not ask unnecessarily: R. Karbauskis would have been cornered and forced to remain in the Seimas without the opportunity to control the life of the Seimas; this would be the biggest blow to him, and perhaps the life lesson.

It seems that not only opponents but also colleagues fell away from R. Karbauskis. Instead of, as R. Karbauskis himself guaranteed, before the approval of Ingrida Šimonytė as prime minister, the entire peasant faction would vote unanimously, the faction dispersed: 8 of its members voted against and 23 parliamentarians abstained. And although technically “against” and “abstention” are votes that hinder approval, the message they convey is very different, I guarantee it, it was especially bitter for R. Karbauskis.

It seems that not only opponents but also colleagues fell away from R. Karbauskis.

Whats Next?

I have a reasonable idea that R. Karbauskis has a lot of anger and other bad emotions that will make him participate in politics. Namely: not valuable ideas, not the search for meaning, but negative emotions will be your catalyst for a long time.

Knowing the resources of R. Karbauskis, this is not a good prospect for Lithuania, nor is it a recipe for a happy life for him.

Julius Nashchenkov is Head of the Institute of Political Communication.
