Julia, who breeds Spanish water dogs: “Although the owner is everything to them, they are not the dogs that lie on the sofa” | Lifetime


English settlers were dogs whose breed and breeding characteristics were very interesting to Julia, but a few weeks later she was also attracted to Spanish water dogs. Later, Minnie, a puppy of the latter breed, also came to his house; She was traveling after the shows, so Julia had the great opportunity to meet the Spanish water breed dogs, which became a springboard for a strong and loving friendship.

“In 2017, many people were not even aware of such a variety, but it attracted more and more attention. We also noticed that after the show, people came to us more and more often to talk and learn more about what a dog is like, ”recalls Julia.

Affectionate looking but strong in character and capable of climbing on the head.

A dog named Goldie was the puppy that Julia loved with all her heart, today she is her best friend, no matter what Julia does, the pets (the girl also raises a German shepherd) are always with her.

“She was not exceptional or that everyone immediately fell in love with, but I felt like she was my dog. Since Goldie had just visited me, I asked the breeder: if he ever wanted to sell Goldie, he would make sure to let me know, no matter how old he was, or a few or ten years.

“My dream came true, although not at the most opportune moment: I had to go to the United States for three months, when the breeder who called told me that if he still loved Goldie, she could come see me,” recalls Julia.

Goldie lived with her friends for a while before Julia left, who fell in love with her so much that she didn’t want to go back. Then it happened that Goldie lives with them, with Julia.

Shortly after their arrival, Goldie gave birth to the first litter of Spanish water puppies in the Baltic countries. Currently there are about 50 dogs of this breed in Lithuania. Julia says that the bitches she raises live by the principle of co-ownership, in this way they live in their families, and Julia takes the official part: shows, research, mating, communication with future owners and, of course, responsibility.

Personal file photo Julia Yershova with pets

Personal file photo Julia Yershova with pets

Also, her main activity is not breeding, it is a most beloved hobby that Julia does not seek to make money from and even emphasizes that many mistakenly think that it is a profitable business. “I think dogs need to be bred and bred qualitatively, so I’m focusing on that, not quantity,” he said.

Julia says that for those who want to buy Spanish water dogs, she always talks not only about the positive aspects of their character, since she believes that everyone can live with the benefits without any problem, so it is necessary to know what challenges future owners can face when buying a Spanish Water Dog.

“This dog may not be the best option for people looking for the first dog of their life or like to pamper their pets because a Spanish water dog will definitely try to climb their heads. They will definitely try to fall in love with the robberies, they will steal the food and if you don’t tell them anything, they will think that they are behaving well, ”says Julia.

She realizes that these are extremely smart and cunning dogs, making it easy for them to wrap their owner around their finger.

“They really understand everything very quickly, but it is not difficult for them to come up with a smart plan, like tricking the host and demanding prizes. Sometimes they seem smarter than humans; even we wouldn’t think like them ”, J. Jershova shares his experience and says that people who are not used to it can really be controlled by dogs, not the other way around.

Personal archive photo Pets of Julia Yershova

Personal archive photo Pets of Julia Yershova

Another characteristic of the character is that these dogs are careful and tend not to trust strangers; this is an advantage for some people, a disadvantage for others, but this trait has grown in the blood of Spanish water dogs. After all, they used to graze flocks of sheep and protect them from the eyes of strangers, they hunted, helped fishermen, and also made sure that strangers did not interfere with the owner and the dog in the performance of their work.

If you don’t give this dog activity, he will find it himself, which I hope the hosts don’t like very much.

“Instead, I advise puppies to socialize to meet people and not be afraid of them, and once they meet, this dog becomes neutral with people; he will not be in a hurry to jump or kiss everyone who passes first. “says Julia. .

Not suitable for people sitting on the sofa.

Julia says that she is an active dog who can participate in a wide range of activities: she can search for people and things by smell, save people from water, hunt, graze, as well as participate in other active sports and many other activities. where she will fit in. Good qualities.

“If you don’t give this dog activity, he will find it himself, which I don’t think the owners like very much. So get ready for an active lifestyle. A well-bred Spanish water dog knows how to adapt to its owner and You can both run marathons and watch series on the couch and stay calm, but it takes effort and proper training to keep the dog growing and paying special attention to it from the first days. Strict rules should be introduced immediately and all members of the the family must follow them, ”says J. Jershova.

Personal file photo Julia Yershova with pets

Personal file photo Julia Yershova with pets

He also adds that many mistakenly confuse the Spanish water dog with poodles and believe that they have the same character.

“In no way, the Spanish water dog is a working breed, and the characteristics that characterize it are highly expressed,” says the interlocutor. On the other hand, these dogs are really different: some let themselves be loved, while others can keep their distance.

Julia also talks about the need to train dogs of this breed. We may be able to teach simple commands at home, but only a specialist will help place the dots on the “i”.

In addition, the training helps to create contact, a connection between the owner and the pet, which is very important ”, says the interlocutor.

Julia also alludes to the fact that people mistakenly think that dogs need a large plot where they can run. “Spanish water dogs at home need half a meter near your feet. They won’t really run in the yard alone, they need to be treated outside the yard. And if you don’t give them an activity, they’ll find something to do, which hosts rarely like, “he adds.

Julia also alludes to the fact that people mistakenly think that dogs need a large area where they can run.

When asked if this breed of dog would be suitable for a family with children, Julia says opinions vary. Her puppies grow well in families with children, but, as she mentioned, Spanish water dogs herded flocks of sheep, so they may want to herd children too, be tougher on them when they play.

“Another thing, when playing with children, Spanish water dogs can start using them, remembering treats and things like that. However, rules and limits are needed for both children and dogs ”, advises Julia.

The coat with which you will have to do

Julia says that taking care of this breed of dog is not very difficult if you do not plan to grow a long coat and offer to feed it dry or raw taste.

The coat of Spanish water dogs is curly, which over time develops into dreadlocks, which is why the coat is shaved several times a year according to the wishes of the owners. The coat should be cared for carefully as you like to feel it, especially in the armpits or on the neck.

“People say that Spanish water dogs have no smell. And it’s true, they don’t smell like a dog, but when a dog of this breed has dreadlocks and is still bathing in a swamp, you shouldn’t be surprised by the smell of wet cloth, ”Julia laughs.

Personal file photo Julia Yershova with pets

Personal file photo Julia Yershova with pets

He adds that although it is not necessary to comb the coat, the dogs themselves do not feed, but the longer-haired Spanish water dogs bring home a large amount of food from the forest, which they transport when they walk outdoors, in the forest or in field. meadow, all with sprawled hands and dreadlocks, a big culprit.

When asked how often it is advisable to visit a vet, Julia recommends that these dogs undergo joint and eye examinations to help prevent disease or other health problems. Breeders also conduct additional research on dog breeding to make puppies as healthy as possible.

“I love Spanish water dogs because I am very good and I feel comfortable with them. I had to familiarize myself with the most diverse varieties and I am too uncomfortable with those who like to escape from their hosts, easily “sell” to strangers to indulge themselves and love everyone in line. I’m joking that you have to try really hard if you want a Spanish water dog to get away from you. It is always close, wherever we are: at home, in the forest, in the city center, on trips. The owner has everything for him, plus it is very easy to talk to a Spanish water dog. For me, this dog is like a human being, like a best friend, ”says Julia.
