Julia Estko, a famous makeup artist who endured a four-hour operation: the most difficult part was sleeping halfway


“The problem of blindfolds has been with me since childhood: after an injury, when one of my eyebrows was severely cut, one eyelid fell more and more over the years and an asymmetry appeared, which became even more pronounced after delivery. ” My eyes seemed tired, my gaze was “hidden”, I completely forgot my makeup. But he was still waiting, still not determined for the operation. But when my eyes started to hurt at night in the past few years, I couldn’t read or work normally anymore, and the eyelid of my other eye also started to droop, so I realized I couldn’t wait any longer. I came to the doctor and said, “I want a quality life,” says Julia Estko, who decided to undergo plastic surgery on her upper and lower eyelids in a press release.

Called a star visor, Estko revealed that the most difficult thing after the operation was the first week: the swollen face and seams of the operation are not happy, but J. Estko did not hide from the others, only a few days after the operation, she appeared at the event and posed for the photographers.

“The first three days are the most difficult, when everything swells, there are bruises on the face, it is usual to sleep on your back or half sitting, because you have to protect your face … But after a few days the swelling disappears, after some time the bruises disappear and after weeks, the seams had already been removed, the result was immediately visible, “said the famous woman.

“Julia’s operation lasted four hours. Plastic surgery of the upper eyelid is a very simple operation: it only removes the unnecessary layer of skin, and the operation of lifting the lower eyelid is already more complicated, not only to remove excess skin. , but also to improve the condition of the skin to eliminate dark circles and lift muscles to disappear. concavity under the eyes “, – the details of the operation were revealed by Tomas Budrius, surgeon at the Vitkus Clinic.

J. Estko himself, now comparing his “Before” and “After” photos, sees an obvious difference.

“When you live with your face for so many years, you get used to it, but when you look sideways, it is obvious that in the” Before “photo the woman is 37 years old, and in the” After “photo I look much younger, my gaze is brighter. Of course, I have received comments and “Why did you need it?”, but I can answer that those who do not face the blindfold problem do not even think about the daily discomfort and how it affects their image in the mirror My only regret is that I did not decide on the operation sooner “, Julia Estko was open.

“Plastic eyelid surgery is one of the most popular surgeries among women and men. After all, it is in the eye area that the first signs of old age are best seen, not to mention the cases where the upper eyelids are they become so heavy that they cause health problems: when they fall on the eyes, the eyelid pushes the eyelashes inside the eye, not only causes physical discomfort. Therefore, I can say from long-term practice that eyelid plastic surgery Although relatively simple, it probably offers the best results: after the operation, the patient not only gets rid of the burden of the year, but also solves health problems. ”Awake.

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