Jonavietis received help from Kėdainiai doctors: it seems my days are numbered


Although I was unable to cope with the rising temperature throughout the treatment at home, the paramedics who had been called in multiple times could do little to help: I ​​couldn’t breathe, so the high temperature and feeling of extreme poverty did not. They were reason enough to take me to the hospital.

Over time, it became so difficult for me to breathe that my days seemed to be numbered. I had to call the highway again. This time, successfully. My condition was already such that you couldn’t do without the hospital, but … There were no places in Jonava Hospital.

The ambulances immediately took me to the COVID-19 ward of the Kėdainiai hospital.

Dear Kėdainiai Doctors, Nurses and all the good people who work in the COVID-19 ward of Kėdainiai Hospital, I sincerely thank you and would like to thank you for your hard work, endless dedication to patients, humanity, compassion and ability to remain top-notch professionals even in such difficult conditions.

Thank you for helping me defeat the invisible enemy of all of us, which requires great strength and health. Thank you for bringing me back to the family. And although I still feel the consequences of the disease, I feel healthy only because of your efforts.

Their highest respect, gratitude, and sincere health wish you for doing the hardest and most dangerous work in the fight against COVID-19 on a daily basis.
