Jonavietė addresses Lithuanian women: the beginnings of an insidious disease were canceled by menstruation


When I grabbed a lump on my chest at night, the first thought that arose was that it was just a dream, R. Žentelė told the news portal However, in the morning it became clear that this was all a reality.

“It all started when I grabbed a lump in my right breast while I was sleeping. Not even a tuber, but a tuber. Of course, at first I thought that maybe he was dreaming, but when I woke up I touched him and even then he was not lost anywhere, it was not a dream ”, recalls the interlocutor.

The biggest mistake is the delay

Rasa says that then all kinds of thoughts spin: he drew the darkest scenarios in his head, but tried to make sure that everything would pass.

“It is conceivable that when you grab such a lump during sleep, the brain automatically thinks of the worst. I immediately started thinking about cancer, tumors, all the worst. Naturally, there is uncertainty, fear, an immediate automatic disposition, thinking of the worst. If there is a lump in the breast, all women probably think of breast cancer. “

Now the woman realizes that her biggest mistake was waiting. Talking to her friends, she thought it was normal, and after her period, it would all end.

“It was my mistake to wait. We got into such a situation, we talked with family and friends, there is something like this in my country and I think that is the way it is before menstruation, the chest hardens, lumps and lumps appear. It was just that period, I thought I would get sick, maybe it would go through me too. I spent about two weeks and only then did I go to see my GP, ”said R. Žentelė.

Rasa, who grabbed a large body during sleep, warns another: urges not to forget to take care of health

After seeing a family doctor, he began a month-and-a-half trip to specialists. True, already after a visit to the family doctor, Rasa received a referral for an ultrasound, where it turned out that the derivative that appeared in the breast was a tumor.

“After seeing a family doctor, the doctor inspected and assessed that the derivative was large. First we name it as a derivative and send it to an ultrasound machine. I turned to an ultrasound specialist who works specifically for breast cancer, with oncological diseases, to a specialist who would tell me what it could be. After visiting her, I already knew what she was like. The definitive diagnosis was made by a thorax surgeon, but only the ultrasound confirmed it, ”said the interlocutor.

I tried not to lose my optimism

When she discovered she had a breast tumor, even more diverse thoughts began to spin in her head, but Rasa says she tried to stay optimistic, but the fear that a biopsy would be needed and the results may be unsatisfactory. did not give up.

“The sonicator was very nice, he immediately said what it could be and immediately said that it would require surgical cutting, surgery, because it is a large derivative, probably fast growing. But the scariest experience was before the biopsy when I found out that I would need a biopsy. After doing it and waiting a week for answers, you think about life, the worst option, the best option. You’re trying to think that it should be benign, ”said R. Žentelė about flooding emotions and fear of waiting.

The long-awaited week of waiting for the biopsy results is over; Fortunately, it turned out that the resulting tumor is benign.

“There has been both relief and joy, and once again the realization that we must be valued every day. Show that you have to take care of yourself. When he said the tumor was benign, it was a lot easier. It is a very good saying that the stone has fallen from the heart, it is very suitable here. “

A couple of weeks ago, the tumor was removed from the woman; She is happy that everything went well, that the operation went smoothly, and that waking up after full anesthesia was extremely easy.

“As for my surgery, it was one day in the hospital. The pre-op mood was very easy for me, because I had a great chest surgeon – he was very optimistic, he said to cut everything, calm down. Waking up postoperatively, I’m glad it was very easy, because I woke up easily after anesthesia and felt fine. Only, of course, the first day it hurt a lot, sleeping alone on my back, lying down all day, I couldn’t get up because I was stretching my chest, it was stitched up, ”recalls the woman from the operation.

The operation was followed by pain and stretching for another week, but now Rasa is happy not only with the successful operation of the tumor, but also with the beautifully healed wound. Before the operation, the woman was warned that there could be a depression, but she smiles, now only a scar reminds her of the way she has gone.

“The doctor told me that because the body is large, the chest would probably be dented on one side, but I can be glad that I was very surprised after the operation; the dent was not left because. There is no other deformation left.”

Rasa, who grabbed a large body during sleep, warns another: urges not to forget to take care of health

Health is the greatest asset

When asked if she had previously traveled to see a specialist, the woman said she did it herself at home, but did not go to the specialist because there were no cases of breast cancer in the family.

“Nothing like this has happened in the family, in the closest or most distant family. I checked it myself, but to go get an ultrasound, no. What I do know now is that we, as young women, can go for a check-up, get an ultrasound, go to the gynecologist to see the chest, and if the gynecologist already grabs something, he should offer to visit the sonographer and see what is the training. Doctors and specialists are amazed at how young women don’t go and check. “

Now Rasa is also sending a message to others: She used to feel guilty about going to the specialists, but when she came across a tumor on her chest, she realized that health is her greatest asset.

Whenever I go to the doctor, I feel guilty or in debt because there are few problems here and I go to the doctor to find something that may not be there. Those who work for an employer feel somehow guilty of going to look for diseases of some kind, they do not always manage to visit specialists outside of working hours, because there are several acceptance factors.

I can say one simple thing: joy in life is when you are healthy. Every woman, when she is healthy, is happy, when those around her are healthy, she is happy. Especially when it comes to moms, they have to love themselves madly, take care of their health because they are raising children and children need to have healthy, energetic and happy mothers. We just push too hard and we don’t find time to look, to control our health. I always thought that this would not happen to me, but I cannot know when something will happen “, sends R. Žentelė an important message.
