Jonas Sakalauskas, opera soloist with coronavirus: “I am a living witness to the seriousness of this disease” | Names


The COVID-19 virus, which has been fighting the entire world for more than half a year, touched the world of Lithuanian culture a month ago, when Jonas Sakalauskas, a well-known opera soloist and director of the National Opera and Ballet Theater of Lithuania, got infected with it. Today, the man is happy to overcome the severe form of the disease, but urges everyone else not to be indifferent and to protect himself and those around him.

For the health shows, the opera soloist agreed to tell us about his condition and to give the most beautiful words of thanks to the doctors who saved his life.

“Health is the most important asset in life. Recent research shows that I have managed to defeat this global virus. I have received state-of-the-art treatment using the blood plasma of a person who has already recovered from this virus. If it weren’t for medical care, I don’t know how it would have ended for me, “said J. Sakalauskas on the show.

Photo by Rūta Andre / Jonas Sakalauskas

Photo by Rūta Andre / Jonas Sakalauskas

Thanks for the special care, care and treatment of a man’s mouth will be extended to the staff of the Hospital for Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis of Clinicas Santara and its manager prof. Ligita Jančorienė. According to the doctor, it was not an easy challenge for the doctors to fight the COVID-19 virus, because at the beginning there was no well-adapted department and the people who worked in it.

“Now we have a lot of experience, there is a well-established work rhythm, algorithms, rules. But that’s not the end of the challenge. When the disease is milder, it can be treated at home, but when it comes to COVID-19, there is no registered drug in the world for this disease, everything that is done can be called a global experiment, ”said VUL Clinics Santara. Head of the Center for Infectious Diseases prof. Dr. Ligita Jančorienė.

The history of COVID-19 infection is still very short, counting its first year, but it has taken enough time for it to become a global pandemic. The aggressiveness of the virus is due to its special properties and the fact that people have no immunity to it.

“None of us have initial immunity to this infection beforehand and that’s why it’s 100 percent. susceptibility. Now we can clearly see and predict which patients are at risk of severe disease: patients with comorbid diseases such as chronic lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, immunosuppressive diseases, post-transplant patients are also affected by overweight and severe obesity. This disease cannot be ignored, perhaps a person is in a milder form because he is young, he does not have concomitant diseases, but it can serve as a source for an older person, for whom he can determine life expectancy, ”said prof. L. Jančorienė.

Photo by TV6 / Ligita Jančorienė

Photo by TV6 / Ligita Jančorienė

Despite regularly published information about the spread and control of COVID-19 infection, skeptics who do not believe in the existence of the disease continue to spread confusing myths. J.Nakalauskas, the head of the LNOBT, urges not to be indifferent and says that he is convinced that this disease is more real than it seems.

“I would like to tell all skeptics of the disease that I am a living witness that it is a serious disease that cannot be ignored. This is not a simple flu. Please let us protect each other and do not panic. Until Today, it is much clearer how to protect our environment, so let us be healthy from our point of view, with our bodies, be attentive to ourselves and others, ”said J. Sakalauskas.

Viktorija Šaulytė and Julius Mocka, who like active leisure, were concerned about the state of their joints

The stylist Viktorija Šaulytė and the professional boxer Julius Mocka, who will soon bounce off the wedding, do not hide the fact that joint pain does not necessarily bother only older people. Lovers who enjoy active leisure and are not indifferent to sport regret that their health became concerned too late, when they were already beginning to feel pain and the irreversible consequences of long-term physical exertion.

“Both Julius and I used to be very active in sports, but now, after a break of several years, we are starting to feel the consequences. I felt that it was not so long lasting anymore, I started to get annoyed with the problems on the road. Yes I could, I would have started taking care of the joints much earlier, but now I start to think differently, I choose to improve the body, take care of my diet, supplement it with food supplements with type I and type II collagen ”, Viktorija Šaulytė shared the secrets of caring for the joints.

Photo by TV6 / Viktorija Šaulytė and Julius Mocka

Photo by TV6 / Viktorija Šaulytė and Julius Mocka

Actress S.Daukšaitė-Petrulėnė revealed a recipe for a strong family

The well-known actress Sandra Daukšaitė-Petrulėnė is not hiding: her profession requires not only emotional and physical stamina, but also time, which is very often calculated at the expense of the family. To strengthen the relationship and at the same time improve her health, she, her husband Aurimas, and their daughter Elze chose to spend the weekend at the Eglė Sanatorium, ideal for families.

“After three weeks of intense shooting of the new movie, absence from the family and a lot of physical work, we decided to come to the sanatorium and it became a mini vacation for the body and soul. The day-to-day in the family, whether you like it or not, is still annoying, and here we have so much activity that we get up, look at each of our schedules, separate and meet only after all the procedures, with the greatest impressions recovered, rested and calm ”. – S.Daukšaitė-Petrulėnė said on the program.

Medical exhibition “Health Tree”, which unites the long experience of Dr. Irena Pivoriūnienė and the youthful vigor of producer and producer Vaida Skaisgirė, on Sundays at 3 pm on TV8.
