Jolanta Leonavičiūtė’s plans to go to Antarctica have been altered by a pandemic: the price of the expedition takes away the promise


A woman who was extremely strong and muscular and, most importantly, had a healthy body, managed to achieve one of her life goals before the global pandemic: she went to Everest.

A trip that is not like the Maldives or the luxurious Swiss mountains, but its price is surprising.

“The shoes alone cost about 1,000 euros, much less equipment, sleeping bags, etc. In total, the expedition to Nepal cost about 7,500 euros,” says J. Leonavičiūtė.

Many often do not even imagine what the climbing itself looks like and in their heads they form a perfect picture with cows grazing in the mountains, blooming flowers and the bright sun. But the reality is quite different.

Recalling her trip to Mont Blanc, Jolanta says it was a trip that put her life in danger.

“When we went up Mont Blanc, we were generally glad to have returned. The weather was very bad. Mountain state, combined with snow, fog, almost nothing is visible.

The higher we climb, the colder, rain, slipping hands, wet gloves. You see that each step can end tragically: if you slip, you can roll and roll until there is nothing left of the body, it will be shredded into pieces of meat through those stones, ”Jolanta recalled.

He will also talk about his planned trip to Antarctica, which has been postponed due to a coronavirus, an expedition that costs about 10,000 euros, where extreme adventures will not be lacking either.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I fly to Brazil, overnight there. Then to Argentina. From Argentina by boat to Antarctica, sailing through the Drake Strait. The Drake Strait is considered one of the most dangerous in the world because when they hit storms, the situation is unpredictable. You can’t know when to start or when to end. Ships turn left and right. And only then do you come to Antarctica to start your investigation, which lasts almost two weeks, “says J. Leonavičiūtė .

During the show, the woman will also talk about her personal life, in which beautiful feelings fade after many years.

How did Jolanta’s son receive his best friend? Why was a woman alone for many years? And what is the basis of your relationship? Already this Tuesday night, at 8 pm, during LNK, in the program “Bus todo”: the complete story of Jolanta Leonavičiūtė.
