Jolanta BLAŽYTĖ: Children, in a digital prison? –


Even at the beginning of the pandemic, after locking all the world’s children within the walls of the four houses, Bill remained calmer in this situation: “What problems? After all, Bill’s word soon fleshed out: Bill, along with New York Mayor Andrew Coumo, and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, launched pilot projects in New York schools that will demonstrate (certainly They will prove it, because Bill demonstrates everything he is doing). that distance learning is a very good and useful idea.

“Unfortunately, these supposedly educated people don’t know much about what education means,” Satish Kumar, a prominent public figure and lecturer at many universities, commented on Bill’s account.

I will quote from Satish Kumar’s speech to the world community below:

“Everyone comes to this earth with their own unique potential. It is the duty of the true teacher to discover and reinforce that potential through care, attention and empathy.

The most amazing mission of education is to preserve the diversification of humanity, cultures and talents in the world through decentralized and personalized training systems.

A good school community is not a community in which all students are remotely controlled. A good community is one in which all its members (children, teachers, parents) work to find the correct paths to the world around them and to discover the meaning of being in that world.

Remote-controlled digital learning completely destroys the true and holistic mission of education. Distance learning looks at the child as if it were an empty container that needs to be filled with external information. And the content and quality of the information is determined by the people who seek to obtain a certain result from the educational system. And this result is often related to the drive to turn people into money-generating instruments for corporations.

Such a centralized and digitized training system will destroy the uniqueness of individuals, community cultures and establish a business monoculture.

When a teacher teaches a child remotely, he tends to feel that the child has no body, no hands, no heart, and only has a head.

Computers cannot teach children goodwill, honesty, and mutual respect. Only in the real school community do children not only learn together, but also communicate, eat, play, create, travel, play sports, rejoice, cry, laugh and cry.

Education is not just about putting information in your head. Education, above all, is a life experience. Sitting in front of a computer has no chance of acquiring social skills.

Leaving the future of our children in the hands of digital oligarchs (Google, Microsoft, Amazon) is the same as handing them over to a digital dictatorship. Democratic societies have never justified military dictatorship. So why have we now suddenly started to justify a digital dictatorship?

We already have negative experiences and we know that with the help of algorithms, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology and other intelligent technologies, people are controlled, their consciences are manipulated and at the same time democratic values ​​are destroyed.

And instead of investing in high technology, we must first invest in man.

Here is a text by S. Kumar that perfectly reflects my thoughts.

There are all kinds of conspiracy-conspiracy theories revolving around the mighty Bill Gates. And I, based on Kumar’s ideas and seeing Bill’s sick desire to destroy the “living” educational system, will in turn develop another conspiracy theory (there is still nothing to do during the quarantine).

So my theory is this:

Bill does not need people to come to this earth to realize the talents that God has given them and to develop their creative potential.

Bill doesn’t need people to learn to communicate, love, feel, empathize, rejoice, cry, or just gently hug (the word “hug” in this case is only appropriate for vaccine advertising).

Bill doesn’t need people who want to go their own way, guided by their wisdom, not Bill’s wishes.

Bill just needs mindless and insensitive cyborgs to carry a huge box full of all kinds of information in his head instead of in his head, necessary to increase Microsoft’s profits, for example.

Bill needs cyborgs who sit in the computer box day and night and remove all references to what they need to think about, what to love, what to scoff at, what to vote for, etc.

Bill needs cyborgs who use the explosive emotions within him not to perceive his own life and being, but to increase the turnover of psychotropic drugs produced in Bill’s pharmaceutical companies.

Bill needs cyborgs that are as narrow as possible and the broadest possible skills required to perform only certain useful functions to serve the world model created exclusively by Bill.

That’s my conspiracy theory, and it’s much stronger than the one that says Bill wants to reduce the world’s population with the help of vaccines. After all, according to my conspiracy theory, no vaccinations will be needed to achieve this goal. It will only be enough to permanently introduce distance education in schools and children will become cyborgs. And those who still want to be human will simply have no place in this world of technology. They will disappear by themselves. Or maybe Elon Musko’s project, SpaceX, will move to Mars …

Here, of course, I am kidding. For now. But seeing our children locked within four walls, entangled in a digital prison and being psychologically broken is already getting ridiculous.
