Johnson & Johnson Postpones Distribution of its COVID-19 Vaccine in Europe


The US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control have decided to temporarily suspend vaccination with this vaccine following reports of six rare blood clots in vaccinated patients in the United States.

VIDEO: State Drug Control Agency on the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines

“We have decided to postpone the distribution of our vaccine in Europe as a precautionary measure,” Johnson & Johnson reported. The report also adds that the company is reviewing these cases with European health officials.

“We work closely with medical experts and healthcare officials and strongly advocate for open access to this information for healthcare professionals and the public,” said Johnson & Johnson.

US health officials have recommended stopping the vaccine, “taking extra precautions,” until the link between the vaccine and rare blood clots is investigated.

All cases were reported in women aged 18 to 48 years, 6 to 13 days after vaccination.

Similar clots have been reported after vaccination with AstraZeneca in Europe. Both vaccines have been developed using similar adenovirus vector technology.

Johnson & Johnson’s suspension of vaccination is a major blow to one of the fastest coronavirus vaccination campaigns in the world, with 45% receiving a single dose of vaccine. adult population of the country.

Additionally, the vaccine is valued because it is sufficient for a single dose and because it does not need to be stored at extremely low temperatures, unlike Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, which greatly facilitate the distribution of Johnson & Johnson vaccines.
