Joe Biden – The death of his wife and daughter did not break the politician’s resolve


November 3 The United States is holding presidential elections. The news portal invites you to meet the candidate of the Democratic Party, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Poor student and life-changing tragedy

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (full name of politician) was born in 1942. November, in Scranton, Pennsylvania. In both school and college, Joe was not a pioneer, he did better in sports, but the boy’s innate leadership qualities led him to become class president.

Joe Biden as a child

Joe didn’t shine in college either, but was able to earn a master’s degree in history and political science, then graduated from Syracuse University with a degree, but his accomplishments didn’t shine here either: Biden was ranked 76th out of 85 students in the course.

Although he played football during his studies, he lost his future political service in the military due to asthma. Biden has another health problem: He stutters a bit, which sometimes gets in the way of discussion.

After graduating from college, Biden married teacher Neilia Hunter, with whom he had three children. The newly baked attorney did not dive into the field, but his chosen profession did not live up to Biden’s expectations, so while still working as a lawyer, he turned to politics and became a member of the county council.

Joe Biden in his youth

1972 Biden has decided to move into mainstream politics and ran for office in the Senate elections. He was the only Democrat who decided to compete with the then Republican senator. Biden did not have the money for a serious election campaign, so many wrote it down in advance.

Biden’s campaign was based on the candidate’s personal meetings with voters and it worked. Although Biden was 30% behind his rival a few months before the election, a recount of all votes showed that the young man in his 30s, having exchanged the right to politics, had won by raising just over 50%. .

But the great achievement was followed by the greatest tragedy of Biden’s life. Just over a month after the man’s victory, Neilia went with the children to buy Christmas trees. The car driven by a woman was brought down by a tractor. Neilia and the children were taken to the hospital, but before reaching the medical facility, the woman and her daughter Naomi died, and Biden’s two surviving children received treatment for serious injuries.

“Six weeks after the election, my whole life has changed for centuries. I hired potential team members to work in Washington and got a call. My wife and three children went shopping for Christmas and were hit by a tractor. My wife and daughter died and they didn’t know if my son survived, ”Biden recalled in a speech more than 40 years later.

When the tragedy occurred, the politician considered resigning from the Senate, but party colleagues spoke with him. Biden was sworn in as a senator at the hospital where his children were being treated.

“I felt that God had played a terrible joke on me,” the politician later wrote in his memoirs.

Joe bidenas

After becoming a senator, Biden traveled every day by train from Washington to Delaware to see his son every day. These one-and-a-half hour round trips have become a tradition throughout his Senate career – 36 years.

The joy of life returns and the first attempt to be president

After the tragedy, Biden was still frustrated with life and found it difficult to focus on work. He later declared in his autobiography that his second wife, Jill, had restored his joy in life and interest in politics. Biden’s brother brought them together for a blind date, and two years later the couple jumped at the wedding. Jill J. Biden had a daughter.

Joe Biden with his wife Jill

Over the course of more than a decade in the Senate, Biden became a well-known politician, sparking speculation that he might run for president. He himself did not fear such an idea in the country, because the dream of entering the Oval Cabinet has been cherished by politicians since the days of university.

Democrats saw him as a potential candidate in the 1988 election because of Biden’s modern image. The politician himself considered it for a long time, but his wife finally persuaded her husband to pursue a dream that was born during their school years.

1987 At the Wilmington train station, which now bears Biden’s name, among other things, the politician officially announced his candidacy for the US presidential election. Mr. Biden wanted to inspire the younger generation, as John F. Kennedy did in his day.

However, Biden’s first presidential campaign was not without controversy. The candidate was accused of borrowing parts of British Labor Neil Kinnock’s speech in his speech, but did not mention authorship. The media later noted that, without citing the original authors, Biden used passages from JF Kennedy, his brother Robert, and former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey.

Joe bidenas

During the campaign, Biden was also criticized for his poor performance in college and for embellishing his past by claiming to be an active defender of human rights.

“I have been foolish and will continue to do so,” Biden told a news conference.

Still, various controversies overshadowed Biden’s campaign and he eventually withdrew from the race for the US presidency. During the campaign, Biden’s health deteriorated and he was later diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Both Biden and the people on the team later argued that if the politician had not walked out of the election, he may not have survived until the end of the year.

Biden acknowledged the mistakes he made during his first season and then looked at them wryly. Following the plagiarism scandal, Biden and Kinnock became friends, and US politicians have repeatedly publicly named the Laborer “their best language writer.”

The second try and I go to the White House

After the first failure of the presidential election, Biden returned to work in the Senate, where he remained until 2008, thus becoming one of the longest-serving senators in United States history.

Joe bidenas

2007 Biden decided to try again to succeed in the presidential election. But like the first time, the second leg was replaced by the inability to keep the tongue behind the teeth. Speaking about his then rival Barack Obama, Biden said he was “the first black man known to the public for being eloquent and handsome.” Also criticized were the politician’s words that in his native Delaware he could not pass by a store or cafe without hearing an Indian accent.

These comments prevented Biden from raising money for the campaign, and he received far less attention than Obama and Hillary Clinton were favorites at the time. In the Iowa snap election, Biden was fifth and withdrew from the race for the US presidency that night.

“There is nothing to be sad about today, I don’t regret it,” Biden said.

After Biden’s resignation, Obama offered him a position in the administration if he became president. The political veteran refused, but then changed his mind anyway. During the campaign, the men made friends, Obama liked Biden’s campaign style and his popularity with middle-class Americans, and this was impressed by Obama’s experience.

Joe Biden and Barack Obama

Biden agreed to become a vice presidential candidate. Still, during the campaign, he tried to give concise speeches so as not to say anything out of place and out of time again. Obama’s team feared Biden’s remarks and how they might affect the ratings. They called Biden’s unexpected comment “Joe’s bombs.”

However, the Joe Bombs did not explode and Obama won the presidential election by defeating Republican Senator John McCain.

Last chance

Biden became the first vice president of the United States to be a Roman Catholic. President Obama compared his right hand to that of a basketball player who does a lot of invisible work that is not reflected in statistical protocols.

Joe bidenas

Mr. Biden was actively involved in domestic and foreign policy. However, his fate did not spare him new blows, in 2015. His son Beau died of brain cancer. This is considered to be one of the main reasons Biden did not run for president in 2016.

After completing his term in the White House, Biden became a fierce critic of Donald Trump. The politician urged the president to write less tweets and focus more on work.

Since 2016 there has been speculation about which of the Democrats will challenge Trump in 2020. and Mr. Biden’s name kept popping up. The former vice president himself hesitated, not wanting to damage his reputation and fearing the impact the election campaign could have on his family.

Joe bidenas

Still, Biden felt compelled to challenge the current White House host. 2019 announced his candidacy in April and Democrats confirmed him as their candidate in this summer’s presidential election.

But it wasn’t just his honorable age or his controversial speeches that overshadowed Biden’s campaign. Allegations of inappropriate physical contact surfaced last year. Biden has been criticized for touching, pinching and kissing women at various events without their consent.

Joe bidenas

Biden himself apologized for people who misbehaved with his behavior because he never tried to harass. However, the politician assured him that he does not regret it, so in the public sphere such an apology from the candidate was accepted in two ways.

If Biden wins the presidential election, he will become the incumbent head of state. November 20, the politician will turn 78 years old.
