Joe Biden spoke to EU leaders: change is cardinal


Mr. Biden “emphasized his commitment to deepening and reviving ties between the United States and the EU,” according to a statement from his office after a telephone conversation with the president-elect Ursula von der Leyen.

During the conversation, Biden expressed hope that the two sides “will work together to solve common challenges,” the report said. His position is very different from that of outgoing President Donald Trump, who has called the EU an “opponent” and accused it of damaging US trade.

After the conversation, von der Leyen did not hide his optimism, which reflects the hopes that are felt in many European capitals for the future of four years of the Trump presidency, overshadowed by better relations after the conflict and tension.

“It’s great to talk to President-elect Joe Biden,” wrote the President of the European Commission on Twitter. “This is a new beginning for the EU-US global partnership … working together, we can shape a global agenda based on cooperation, multilateralism, solidarity and shared values.”

“Let us rebuild a strong EU-US alliance,” European Council President Charles Michel wrote on Twitter after an interview with Biden, inviting him “to a special meeting in Brussels next year” with the heads of government of the 27 countries of the Community.

Biden has previously spoken in person with leaders of some European countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. They congratulated Biden on his victory in the November 3 election, despite Trump’s refusal to admit defeat.

European diplomats hope to see what Biden will take on in Brexit, as well as who he will pay more attention to: US-EU relations or so-called “special relations” with Britain.

Both Biden and his candidate for secretary of state, Antony Blinken, have criticized Brexit and expressed concern about its impact on the peaceful island of Ireland.

Ch. Michel said he thanked Biden for his position that Britain should fully implement the EU withdrawal treaty that it signed with the Community last year.

Biden also spoke with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, to whom he assured “the long-term commitment of the United States to NATO, as well as the fundamental principle of collective defense enshrined in [Šiaurės Atlanto sutarties] Article 5 “.

The fifth article on collective defense states that an attack on one or more members of NATO will be considered an attack on all members of the Alliance. Trump has previously publicly expressed doubts about this principle.

Trump said he would no longer oppose government aid to Biden’s team

US President Trump said Monday that he would no longer oppose the administration’s support for Biden’s transition team.

The Twiter message that the General Services Administration (BPA) should “do whatever it takes” was issued after the agency’s director, Emily Murphy, said she would give the president-elect her consent to access funds and other resources, including access. to intelligence.

In the same Twitter message, Trump said he still refuses to admit defeat.

“Our business is STRONG, we will keep fighting and I believe we will win,” the outgoing president wrote.

In the past three weeks since the Nov. 3 election, Biden has argued, without any evidence, that Biden’s convincing victory was the result of fraud. Murphy, who denies being under political pressure, has so far refused to allow the president-elect’s team access to a standard aid package.

Biden’s team welcomed the decision to provide him with government assistance shortly after the statement.

“The BPA Administrator has stated that President-Elect Joe Biden and President-Elect Kamala Harris are clear winners of the election, giving the incoming administration the resources and support it needs for a smooth and peaceful transfer of power,” he said. Biden in a statement.

“In the coming days, the acquisition team will begin meeting with federal officials to discuss the response to the pandemic, gain a deep understanding of our national security interests, and fully understand the Trump administration’s efforts to downsize government agencies,” said Yohannes Abraham, lead of the Biden acquisition. Johannes Eibraham).

A sudden shift in Trump’s stubborn efforts to challenge Biden’s victory came when the results of the presidential election were reported to have also been confirmed by the state of Michigan, with several influential supporters of the outgoing head of state vigorously demanding an end to the political stalemate.

Changes in diplomacy

Earlier, Biden presented his future foreign policy and national security team, which will include many veterans of the Barack Obama administration. The president-elect hopes these highly experienced professionals will help him end the turmoil that has accompanied the Trump presidency and return to traditional US diplomacy.

At the top of the list is former State Department deputy director Antony Blinken, who is slated to be named Secretary of State.

Biden also intends to appoint women to head intelligence and the Treasury Department for the first time. For the first time, an American of Latin American descent should become Secretary of Homeland Security, and the previous administration’s efforts to combat climate change should be led by former Secretary of State in the Obama administration, John Kerry.

The list of candidates announced by Biden’s team ahead of an official presentation scheduled for Tuesday reflects a desire to return to the United States’ role as a leader in multilateral alliances. This is in stark contrast to Trump’s policy, which was based on the “America first” principle.

“They will mobilize the world to meet the unprecedented challenges we face, which no country can tackle alone,” Biden wrote on Twitter. “It is time to restore American leadership.”

Blinken, a longtime adviser to Biden, will lead efforts to repair the damage caused by Trump’s unilateral policy. The president-elect has promised that the United States will join the World Health Organization and the Paris climate accord, from which Trump has distanced himself, and will revive Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

Biden plans to appoint the first woman to the position of Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, a former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Cuban-born Alejandro Mayorkas should join the helm of the Department of Homeland Security. The strict immigration policy followed by this institution has caused controversy many times in recent years.

Biden’s determination to deliver on his campaign promise to pay more attention to the threat of global warming is reflected in his decision to appoint former Secretary of State Kerry as the new special envoy on climate change.

The planned appointment of career diplomat Linda Thomas-Greenfield as Ambassador to the United Nations also sends a message of the President-elect’s determination to return to a policy of multilateralism.

Jake Sullivan, a former adviser to Biden when he took over as vice president in the Obama administration, should become a national security adviser.

Janet Yellen will go down in history as the first woman to be named treasurer. Yellen, 74, was named a director of the US Federal Reserve in 2014, but was replaced by Trump four years later.

The candidate list includes highly experienced specialists in their fields, well known to J. Biden. This is in stark contrast to Trump’s practice of appointing officials to high-level positions in the administration without the professional qualifications and experience customary for those positions. Neither of them later left the White House angry at the president.
