J. Biden, preparing for the inauguration, introduced the future head of administration


Biden intends to appoint Ron Klain, his longtime adviser, to the position. He was the first head of the Biden administration when the Democrat took over as vice president.

Clain became the first member of the future White House administration to be introduced by the president-elect.

In announcing Clain’s upcoming appointment, Biden said they had a long way to go in fighting the coronavirus pandemic and trying to overcome the country’s deep division.

“His deep and diverse experience and his ability to work with people from across the political spectrum is exactly what I need for the head of the White House administration as we face this time of crisis and refocus our country,” Biden said.

“Scanpix” / AP nuotr./Joe Bidenas

The president’s announcement of Clain’s future appointment came after a visit to the Korean War Memorial in Philadelphia, where a wreath-laying ceremony was held to mark Veterans Day.

At the same time, Trump attended a wreath ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington. Rather than becoming a symbol of national unity, this ceremony was overshadowed by the persistent reluctance of the Republican head of state to acknowledge defeat in the elections.

Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump in Arlington Cemetery

Photo by Scanpix / Donald Trump in Arlington Cemetery

Trump, who first appeared at a public event after the Nov. 3 election, did not speak at Arlington Cemetery during a wreath-laying ceremony.

Trump has never addressed the nation since last Saturday, when it became clear that Biden would take control of the White House, except for his pointed messages on the social network Twitter and an official statement issued on the occasion of Veterans Day. He has yet to acknowledge Biden’s victory, although this usually happens when the media announces the result of the election.

With the history of coronavirus infections occurring in the country one after another and states imposing new restrictions to control the COVID-19 epidemic before the start of winter, Trump appears to have completely moved away from his normal presidency.

He spends time locked up in the presidential residence, developing alternative theories of reality to win the elections and filing complaints in court for alleged fraud, although so far he has not provided any concrete evidence to support his allegations.

Experts have warned that Trump’s stubbornness is undermining the democratic process and preventing Biden from taking power smoothly.

Trump saw a series of unsubstantiated new statements about his election victories and voter fraud on Twitter this morning, despite international observers, world leaders, local election officials and the US media all agreeing that the November 3 vote was free. and fair.

Some Republicans have contributed to the notorious calls for the president to acknowledge defeat. Experts have warned that Trump’s stubbornness is undermining the democratic process and preventing Biden from taking power smoothly. The latter must take the oath on January 20.

Among these Republicans was Montana Secretary of State Corey Stapleton. While praising Trump for the “incredible things” he had accomplished during his tenure, he added: “However, time is running out.” Put your hat on, put on your lips and congratulate @ JoeBiden. “

“Indisputable right”

Yet several of the GOP’s most influential figures, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, continue to support Trump’s efforts to thwart his rival’s victory.

“There will be a smooth transition to the second Trump administration,” Pompeo said at a news conference Tuesday.

At the time, McConnell said the president “has an indisputable right” to appeal the election results to the court.

„Scanpix“ nuotr./Mitchas McConnellas

„Scanpix“ nuotr./Mitchas McConnellas

None of the court appeals are likely to affect the outcome, and even the planned vote recount in Georgia, where Biden leads by a minimal majority, is unlikely to change the outcome of the election.

Trump’s victory in Alaska, announced in the US media on Wednesday, gave him three more votes from voters, but still too few.

“The greatest honor”

J. Biden’s decision to appoint R. Klain as head of his administration received extremely favorable evaluations from Democrats.

Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren called the candidacy a “great choice” because, according to her, Claine “understands the scale of the economic and health crises and has enough experience to lead the administration through them.”

In a statement distributed by Biden’s acquisition team, Claine, 59, said the president’s decision to entrust him with the position was “the greatest honor of his life.”

Since Saturday, when US media forecasts showed Biden won a tense election, the president-elect has addressed the nation, formed a coronavir antivirus task force, spoke with world leaders, including Trump allies, and began evaluating potential candidates for the position. in his future position and delivered several important political speeches.

Biden was received by phone on Wednesday by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and South Korean President Moon Jae-in.

 Scanpix “/ AP nuotr./Japanese premjeras Yoshihide Suga

 Scanpix “/ AP nuotr./Japonijos premjeras Yoshihide Suga

At the time, Trump had only left the White House multiple times through Wednesday, when he was playing golf last weekend.

The president’s agenda no longer includes the usual daily meetings during which he is given secret information. He does not comment on the drastic increase in the incidence of coronavirus infection throughout the country, he no longer attends press conferences, no longer gives interviews to Fox News TV, and no longer conducts impromptu question-and-answer sessions with journalists from the House. White

Instead, Trump spends most of his time tweeting, mostly about “stolen” elections.

Trump’s only significant step as president in recent days has been the firing of Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who also reported on Twitter.

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Markas Esperis

„Reuters“ / „Scanpix“ nuotr./Markas Esperis

Trump’s refusal to admit defeat has no legal force, but the General Services Administration, which handles bureaucratic affairs in Washington, does not allow Biden access to the tools, funding, and lessons learned that are a regular bailout for the next new leader.

Emily Murphy, head of the Trump-appointed General Services Administration, is responsible for providing such assistance during the procurement process.
