Italy’s quarantine is trying to rid itself of the virus nightmare


70 days to close between the walls of the house. Get out – just to buy groceries or go to the pharmacy and only with a special permission slip in your pocket, a face mask and disposable gloves on your hands. Work or study, only remotely from home. To a museum, theater or cinema also only from home, the vastness of the Internet. Coffee, ice cream or a snack are also just at home, at best a glass of friends breaking up with friends on a computer screen on the Zoom video chat and chat platform. Exercise only within the walls of the house. And in no way any physical contact with another human being.

It would look like a script for a catastrophic Hollywood movie. But those 70 days were the reality of the Italian people.

The feeling of freedom is accompanied by fear.

When Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced that the clutches of May 18 had been released from strict quarantine, the day became historic for millions of Italians. Trying to recover from a pandemic nightmare, standing up and, if not returning to a life considered normal in February, is at least the beginning of a new freedom, a new life.

Libertad, interpreted by several young people as a cause of headache for the government.

As of May 18, Italians are allowed to leave the house freely, without any permission, it is true, with a mask on their faces. You are allowed to meet friends, relatives, colleagues, but there is no usual greeting by hugging and touching both cheeks, not even a handshake ginkdie. Minimum distance of one meter between people. Such communication must be learned very closely and in close contact among the extended Italians.

Since Monday, a nation of travelers, self-styled Italians, have been allowed to move freely, but only in their own region. If the parents live in another region, if the children study or work in another region, if the bride lives in another region, the date will have to wait at least until the beginning of June.

Starting Monday, the country can open cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, shops, churches, museums closed in early March.

“Every morning I had a cup of coffee here. But it has never been as delicious as it is today, “said Rosa Pigliatelli, 76, of Milan, who drank a cup of espresso in a café at home.

Many Italians say that Aperol Spritz coffee, cake, pizza or cocktail have acquired a priceless new flavor. Some of them paid fifty for a cup of coffee at the cash register instead of the one indicated in the price list.

“This is the first cup of coffee in the bar in more than two months. I want to personally contribute to your recovery, you have always served me very well,” explained a regular Icecafè visitor in Vicenza to the surprised bartender.

A cup of espresso at the bar means much more to many Italians than just coffee. It is a symbol of recovery, freedom, rebirth.

Libertad, interpreted by several young people as a cause of headache for the government. Squads of people with cups in their hands, without masks and certainly not a meter away from each other. As if nothing had happened and the virus had disappeared from the face of the Earth. Such images of Rome, Padua, Bari, Bologna appeared on social networks.

“The fight is not over yet, it is not time for parties and entertainment,” said Prime Minister Gonte.

“We cannot write down all the enormous effort made in two months,” said Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza. “If the morbidity curve increases, we will be forced to close again.” The minister recalled that violations of the rules face fines of 400 to 3 thousand. euros

The Prime Minister and the Minister also have the support of regional leaders and city mayors.

“I have nothing against entertainment, but if it continues, I will close the bars, restaurants, beaches and close the house again,” Governor Luca Zaia told people in the Veneto region. He remembered that distance and a protective mask are not a recommendation for you anyway.

“I am alarmed,” said the mayor of Bari, Antonio Decarones. – The new decree gave the feeling that we can all be free. But now we, beginning as young people, have to interpret this freedom with a great sense of responsibility, or we will have to close it again. “

A cup of espresso at the bar means much more to many Italians than just coffee. It is a symbol of recovery, freedom, rebirth.

For café owners, the mayor offered customers to serve protective masks along with cocktails.

Can’t open

Admittedly, not all favorite bars allowed Italians to have the coveted cup of espresso. Not all favorite restaurants can have lunch, not all stores can shop. According to Confesercenti, an association of Italian entrepreneurs, only six out of ten points of sale of goods and services have opened their doors. At least 40 percent. the blinds that cover the iron entrances of cafes, bars, shops have not been lifted and will never be lifted again.

“We can’t open without state subsidies,” says the enrollment, which depends on many small businesses and retail stores.

One meter distance between tables in cafes and restaurants. A customer in a 40-square-meter store. 10 square meters for two visitors to the beach club, there are no beach volleyballs and playgrounds, and drowning is generally prohibited as rescuers are instructed not to breathe artificially. There is no buffet breakfast in the hotel or coffee in the bar. Without physical contact, disinfecting liquids where they do not rotate, masks that cover smiles. Such are the new rules where goods and services are provided. Rules that, according to a government team of specialists, will help stop the new pandemic. However, according to sociologists and psychologists, it will irreversibly change Italian habits, lifestyle and mentality. Economists add that these rules will stumble upon thousands of small businessmen who experts say are the steam engine of the Italian economy.

Photo by N.Marciukaitė / “We cannot open without state aid. Thousands of workers are at risk of becoming unemployed

Photo by N.Marciukaitė / “We cannot open without state aid. Thousands of workers are at risk of becoming unemployed. “Such messages hang in many stores, cafes and restaurants that have not opened their doors until now.

While the government has officially allowed many retail and service outlets to open, employers say the rules are so stifling that it just isn’t worth opening now.

“Before quarantine, my restaurant had 110 seats, now I cannot accept more than 50 customers at a time. That means I have to lay off more than half the staff, and with so many clients, I won’t cover any costs. Furthermore, the rules are not only extremely strict, but also not entirely clear. Opening would be working with the risk of fines, ”says Alberto Melis, owner of a restaurant in the old town of Cagliari.

“I cannot pay 100%. 30% of the costs. Income and be optimistic. Therefore, I will not open under such conditions,” says Alfredo Zini, the owner of a restaurant in Milan, who has protested in the center of the city ​​along with several hundred colleagues.

It is also true that not everyone, even those who are very anxious, can go to an open café, a restaurant or a hairdresser. The Istat National Statistics Institute estimates that 16.4 million The Italian population, more than 27%, is reaching the edge of poverty. Hundreds of thousands of temporary workers in the tourism sector, who serve and smile to millions of tourists around the world, have so far not received the 600 euros promised by the government. Hundreds of thousands of housewives, seniors, babysitters, tour guides, actors, musicians, small and medium entrepreneurs have been living without pay for the third consecutive month and have no idea how and why they will have to earn a living.

“I escorted the last tourists in early March, when I will have them again, I don’t know,” says Nerija Marciukaitė, who works as a guide in Rome. The Lithuanian, who has lived in the Eternal City for 25 years and reveals his subtleties to tourists, said that after the start of the pandemic, he suddenly became unemployed for a time.

Personal file photo / N.Marciukaitė, who has been living in Rome for five years and works as a guide, offers to walk around Rome at least virtually

Personal file photo / N.Marciukaitė, who has been living in Rome for five years and works as a guide, offers to walk around Rome at least virtually

Some employers complain that it is not yet clear when and how they will be able to work.

“It is not yet clear when I will be able to resume business,” says Simona Crisafulli, a Lithuanian who organizes weddings, baptisms and runs a family-run restaurant and hotel, Le Giare, in Sicily. – From June it will be possible to get married, but we are still waiting for a government decree. This year, the tourism and event management areas will be greatly affected. It is also a shame for customers who planned their vacation a year or half a year ago. And so far, we, as a restaurant and pizzeria, have decided it for June 3. We will not open at full speed. The demands as they are now are still unfavorable to us. Therefore, we left only the pizza delivery service, which is the safest option during this period, not only because of contamination, but also because of financial security and liability. “

“Customers ask when they could plan a vacation in Rome, but I don’t know what to answer them. Starting in July, Ryanair plans to resume flights from Vilnius to Rome, I hope the Lithuanians will come gradually,” says guide N.Marciukaitė. Meanwhile , offers a virtual tour of the Eternal City: on its free public tours or paid individual tours upon request.

Customers ask when they could plan a vacation in Rome, but I don’t know why to answer them, the guide said.

Italian Prime Minister G.Conte stated that since June 3. The country will open its borders to citizens of the European Union who do not need to be quarantined. The Prime Minister himself was surprised by the Prime Minister’s statement. Because just a couple of weeks ago they could not leave the house more than 200 meters away, only from Monday they could freely move around their residential area, until mid-June they still cannot go to the theater, and now they drink and open the walls?

“It is difficult to understand what it will be like until June 3. It will not even allow them to travel to another region, but will already take and open all the borders with the European Union and the Schengen area. Miracles happen in Italy with each decree,” he says. Chrisafulli.
