It would be great for people to put mandates if they don’t like something


The LVŽS leader spoke about it on the “Žinių radijo” program “Opozicija”.

Criticism of the rulers

Commenting on the vaccination rate and the government’s decisions, R. Karbauskis said that all the problems started when the conservatives began to convince the public that they had a plan.

“We have all heard about the 120-step plan, which had never been published before. They tried to do nothing or in any way, the entire vaccination system was handed over to the municipalities. <...> We don’t have any systematic approach to vaccination, we don’t have this centralization process, ”said R. Karbauskis.

According to him, the speech of I.Vėgėlė, lawyer and president of the Bar Association, which caused a great stir in society, was one of the most serious attempts to legally start a discussion on the decisions taken by the Government, but According to R Karbauskis, the Government itself

“We will not go anywhere this way, and society is not worried precisely because the government is not debating, but simply blaming. In this way, it will not be possible to reach an agreement ”, said the president of LVŽS.

R. Karbauskis also criticized the authorities’ communication on vaccination issues; According to him, so far insufficient attention is paid to the country’s main residents.

“In the current situation, when you have to convince those who do not believe in any way, negative communication will not do it. There is no way to force a person who will not change his beliefs, it is impossible to do it by force, “said R. Karbauskis.

“There is a category of people older than 85 years who have only been vaccinated about 60 percent. There are no people who are convinced that they have a strong immune system. We just don’t get to them. There are not enough messages via mobile phones for this category, only a specific effort is needed ”, added the president of LVŽS.

He commented on the relationship with S. Skvernelis

Asked about the current relations with the opposition leader Saulius Skvernelis, R. Karbauskis stated that it is difficult to describe his communication at the moment, and he sees the speeches of the party colleague only in public space.

“Until now, listening and reading in the media, I no longer understand some things. The relationship was working, we worked for four years when he was the head of government, now he is the leader of the opposition, appointed by the votes of the LVŽS faction and the votes of the Labor Party.

This is the largest position that a person from the opposition can occupy, “explained R. Karbauskis.

However, he said that he noticed that S. Skvernel was not very satisfied with that.

“We talk, but those conversations get weird. I do my job, but there are articles that supposedly someone somewhere didn’t invite me. I can ask the exact same thing: why don’t I get invited to the meetings organized by Saulius Skvernelis?

I know the affairs of the party, probably also the affairs of the faction, and if there are people who have other plans for some valuables, this is your business. Of course, it would be very good if the people who are elected according to the list of one or the other party help with mandates if they do not like something, ”said R. Karbauskis.

According to him, it is strange when people suddenly turn liberal, even though they were elected to the Seimas as members of the Union of Peasants and Greens.

“But it is very common among us: if people have ambitions or their values ​​change, they spill manure on their former colleagues and continue to hold their heads high,” said the LVŽS leader.

He stated that he did not know whether S. Skvernelis promised to remain a member of the LVŽS faction.

“I can’t say anything for another person, but I read the same things that others read. I only see this process with my colleagues in the group and the party, I found out, but we are doing our work in silence. Our values ​​have not changed and will not change ”, assured R. Karbauskis.

According to him, the values ​​of all party members must coincide, otherwise the joint work simply could not be carried out.

“It was clear in the party congress that there are values ​​that the members of our group should not be violated. We certainly cannot tolerate members of our group starting to vote in favor of the Association Act proposed by the Liberals and many other things that are unacceptable to us.

But we have no reason to make decisions regarding Saulius Skvernelis, because there is no objective reason, neither valuable nor otherwise. Everyone has a right: the mandate is free, the ambitions are separate. If what the press writes is true, it is a question of ambition, ”said R. Karbauskis.

However, according to him, on one issue, politicians are really in different positions: the attitude towards the head of the country G. Nausėdas and cooperation with him.

“Saúl has a different opinion and expresses it very often. There is no love or love for the president, we are allies to see what the government is doing and what needs to be done. And Saulius thinks that the president’s proposals are incredible ”, explained R. Karbauskis.
