It would be enough to improve working conditions, raise wages and a miracle would happen


I.Ruginienė emphasized that although the number of long-term unemployed reaches record levels, there are fewer jobs than the unemployed. “The supply of jobs is several times behind the number of registered unemployed. While we try, there won’t be enough vacancies for everyone. To date, we have almost 200 thousand. about 60,000 unemployed and vacant, “he said.

The workers’ representative did not rule out that the labor market crisis was caused by the effects of the pandemic, but said that many of the problems encountered were obsolete.

“It was more difficult for older people to find a job in the past, now it is even more difficult. People are hurt by narratives created by employers that job seekers don’t want to work. Even stranger seem to be the stories that employees don’t want to come back from downtime, even though it’s entirely up to the employer to file and cancel the downtime. Employees put their hands down, are disappointed and experience emotional stress, ”said I. Ruginiendado angrily.

She described speeches about unemployed people enjoying benefits and not wanting to work as a misleading audience and highlighted that the biggest labor shortage right now is, according to her, the long-term exploited service sector.

“Who talks more about missing workers? Service sector. These are the areas that have been exploiting employees for a long time: overtime was not accounted for, workload was regulated. It is normal that the time has come when employees value jobs and do not want to return in such conditions. Wages are important too, but employers are opposed to them. In some places it would be enough to improve working conditions, increase wages and a miracle would happen: employees would line up at the door, ”explained I. Ruginienė.

A survey by If Insurance Company revealed 51 percent. employees are dissatisfied with their workplace not only because of wages but also because of the psychological atmosphere.

“The results of a survey in the UK on what to do to make someone happy with their work surprised me because there was a psychological atmosphere in the first place. For this reason, not only a good salary is important, but also a psychological environment ”, said the workers’ representative.

According to her, in the future more attention will have to be paid to recycling, but at present it is important to optimize the activities of the Employment Service. “In order for the job search to be more efficient, the number of employees of the Employment Service must be increased. Currently, an employee of the Employment Service must serve 700 clients per month. We calculate that in this case 5 minutes are allocated per person What is the individual focus here? ”Asked I.Ruginienė.

According to the employee representative, a job seeker needs a variety of help: motivation, psychological help, the opportunity to retrain. “Last week we received calls from employees over 55 who say they want to work, but employers do not accept them due to their age,” recalled I. Ruginienė.

The most painful examples, according to the interlocutor, refer to workers who have worked in the manufacturing sector for their entire lives, but who have lost their jobs due to age and can no longer enter the market.

“After working in difficult conditions for a long time, they have exhausted their health resources and are no longer able to work as they age. What to do in this case? Override and leave to the will of fate? They cannot return to the same jobs because they have no health.

It is very important to preserve the health of workers from an early age until retirement. If we continue to consume workers and throw them away as a consumed product in 5-7 years, we will be on the brink of social crisis. It is necessary to regulate the workload, to pay more attention to the elderly who are looking for work ”, is convinced I.Ruginienė.
