it was clear who won the title of winner


Today, it finally became clear which participant of the popular project loved the public the most and decided to give him the title of winner. He became a bribe from Raji to many fans with his sincerity and songs. He received an award that became especially necessary for the entertainment world, which had stopped during the quarantine. There are 10 thousand. and an impressive group advertising package from TV3.

The project, which took place on Sundays, was seen by more than 1.5 million people. Go3 visitors spent the Big Show Bubble watching over 2 million people in total. hours.

In the final, all the elders of the project, who participated in the bubble from the first days of the project, showed their latest performances. These are much improved Gabrielė Rutkauskienė-Vasha, boyfriends Gabija Radžiūnaitė and Žygis Petkus, Ieva Riepšaitė and his partner Justinas Mejeris, the talented Norbertas Liatkovskis, the talented Mia Piliba Raji and Marius Jampolskis.

For weeks, the participants of the “bubble” were able to create on stage what seemed simply impossible: many outdid themselves. The young participants of the project admitted that the “bubble” had become an incentive for them to improve in the future as well, and the wolves on stage did not hide that it was good to go back to where they felt best. In addition, throughout the project, viewers followed the lives of the participants 24 hours a day on the new generation of Go3 television. And although everything happened here, and surviving together for so long became a real challenge, the project participants also grew strongly as people and discovered those qualities that they did not think they had. In the end, they all admitted that the “bubble” made them one big family.

And although it seems that it is over, TV3 has great news for the biggest fans of the Big Show bubble. The project may be over and we will no longer see the lives of the artists every day, but in the summer an impressive tour of the participants of the “Big Show Bubble” is waiting all over Lithuania. The dancers and singers will once again offer their works and songs to fans and demonstrate once again the talent of the Lithuanian nation.
