It was announced when Lithuanians trapped in the UK would fly back to Lithuania.


Not only Lithuanians, but also Latvians with Estonians will fly in one trip. According to G. Landsbergis, the compatriots’ flights are coordinated by the embassies of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the United Kingdom. The flight will operate from London to Riga. Landsberg has so far been unable to say exactly which London airport the plane will take off from, this will be announced a bit later.

“The main point is that this is a humanitarian flight. The list of people to be returned will be taken into account first, taking into account the health circumstances and special situation of those people,” said the minister.

Gabriel Landsbergis

According to him, the state of health will be one of the most important criteria for a person to be returned to Lithuania.

“The general criteria will also be applied by other countries. Taking into account the number of people to be registered, the three embassies will analyze each case individually,” said G. Landsbergis.

According to the minister, there are dozens of those Lithuanians who meet the criteria to return, but the exact number could not be identified because it is changing.

G. Landsbergis assured that the Ministry would organize the transport of Lithuanians from Riga airport to Lithuania. The minister clarified that the flight would be paid for, but could not name the exact prices.

According to G. Landsbergis, it was agreed to divide the seats into three equal parts for the citizens of the three states. If one state does not fill its seats, they will go to the other two states. Lithuania has 48 seats on the plane.

“The number of places is small. Those people who have the opportunity to wait those few days, we will ask them to be patient and wait,” the minister addressed his compatriots.

According to him, the discussions on the possibility from January 1. resume commercial flights in progress. Returnees will be subject to the same rules as all UK returnees so far, or less than 48 hours in advance. negative coronavirus test, or 10 days of self-isolation.

According to G. Landsbergis, no more humanitarian flights are planned in the near future.

This week, the ministry announced that after evaluating the situation regarding the coronavirus mutation (COVID-19) detected in the United Kingdom and the decision taken by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania as of December 21. until December 31 temporarily suspend all passenger flights from the United Kingdom and due to the critical pandemic situation in Lithuania and the stricter quarantine measures.

The UK urges those wishing to come to Lithuania from the UK to temporarily abandon these plans, comply with the UK requirements for national movement and remain where they currently are. We note that many European Union countries have also temporarily suspended travel from the UK to their territories.

The Ministry also draws attention to the fact that those who come to Lithuania from the UK, as well as from other foreign countries, must comply with all regulations as of December 16. strict quarantine measures in place.

As of December 22, a government decision will add the entire United Kingdom (including England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) to the list of affected countries and regions.
