It is recommended to start reducing restrictions to travel to the EU from July


The coronavirus outbreak forced travel restrictions in EU countries other than Ireland and Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland outside the EU in mid-March.

The restrictions were extended several times over a period of 30 days and would expire on June 15.

The EC has recommended extending the restrictions until the end of June and gradually reducing them from the beginning of July.

According to the EC, EU Member States must decide together which non-EU countries could be subject to travel restrictions from July, taking into account common principles, objective criteria such as the health situation in those countries, the possibility of applying insulation measures during the trip, etc.

“International travel is very important for tourism and business (…). Although we will all have to remain vigilant, it is time to start preparing to lift restrictions on countries with a health situation similar to that of the EU, ”said Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Internal Affairs.

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