It is proposed to extend the quarantine in Lithuania for one more month, commercial releases, possibly in February.


Until February 28.

A.Bilotaitė states that after hearing the situation about the numbers, it can be said that the situation is improving due to COVID-19, but that improvement has slowed down. The minister said he proposed to extend the quarantine for another month, until February 28.

And the number of diseases will not be taken into account when proposing the release. “I would like to point out that when considering this sequence of COVID-19 restrictions, we are thinking more about healthcare, education and business. The proposals will be discussed in the Ministry of Health this week, with experts, and presented at a meeting. next Monday, “said the minister.

When asked when to remove or release movement restrictions, A. Bilotaitė said it would depend on the number: how many cases of infection there will be. “This is for the safety of all of us,” the minister said.

A.Dulkys said that now Lithuania is in scenario D, when the infection rate in 14 days reaches more than 500 cases per 100,000, but we are already close to scenario C. These scenarios have been presented by experts.

Exemptions are believed to be considered every two weeks.

“This week, together with other colleagues from other ministries, we will detail those four scenarios that we could change. And we agreed that we could present them at the WESC meeting next Monday. And at the government meeting, maybe we could already consider what could be published. Those releases would be considered every two weeks, ”said the Minister of Health.

He gave examples of what could change. If we were in a scenario where we had less than 200 cases, then two permanent households could communicate, if less than 100 cases, three households could communicate. And with less than 50 cases reached, that would be no restriction.

In the case of education, if there were less than 200 cases, it could go back to contact and blended learning in the primary classes, if it is less than 100, the return from classes and above could be considered according to other safety requirements, such as tests. teachers and students continuously.

Driving without a permit is decreasing

Renatas Požėla stated that the psychological state of society is still being discussed and evaluated, and it is gratifying that there are no drastic changes when looking at police summaries and other data.

“January is coming to an end, during January we have not missed more than 18 thousand people to go to another municipality. transport. Every week those numbers keep dropping, which means people are listening. However, the number of protocols is increasing, there are 5.2 thousand of those people, “said R. Požėla.

The mobility of people between municipalities has decreased by 72% compared to this time last year. There were fewer vehicles delivered last weekend. As two households were already allowed to communicate, when identifying social bubbles, the police feared a mass trip, but this was not noticed.

Juliaus Kalinsko / 15min nuotr./Renatas Požela

Juliaus Kalinsko / 15min nuotr./Renatas Požela

As R. Požėla said, it was certainly not hundreds and thousands, but dozens of cyclists. He ensured that each situation in which a person arrives at the position is evaluated individually.

No releases yet

At a press conference on Monday, Aurelijus Veryga and Ramūnas Karbauskis stated that layoffs were needed first for small businesses. A. Dulkys says that experts will be trusted.

“The services sector can be liberalized if there are 150 cases, trade if it has a separate entrance, if there are less than 200 cases. According to experts, we still cannot offer this kind of thing this week,” said the minister, considering that perhaps the first waivers available in February.

When asked about vaccination, A. Dulkys is not optimistic: to vaccinate most people before the end of summer or even earlier, around a million doses would be needed in February alone, so dozens should arrive of thousands of vaccines, but much more.

“If someone asks Lithuania why Lithuania was not vaccinated in 2020, the answer is because there were no vaccines. And in 2021, if you ask why vaccination does not end until the summer, the answer is similar: there are vaccines, but no we get enough, ”said A. Dulkys.

In order for all students to return to school, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports wants teachers to be vaccinated by then. A.Dulkys emphasized that the toolbox is expanding – it’s not just about the vaccine, but also about expanding testing.

“Those fewer than 200 cases could be in the second half of February. Our logic is that we constantly measure and provide tools every two weeks. Maybe on April 1, there could be no more quarantine, and in May we should have only 20 cases. But we agree that this may be the case if the vaccination is continued successfully and the public adheres to the safety measures, ”said the Minister of Health.

As Lina Laurinaitytė-Grigienė, Interior Minister spokesperson, told BNS before the meeting, an overview of the epidemiological situation will be presented and a phased quarantine release plan will be discussed.

Last week, after the meeting of the Government Emergency Commission, Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė pointed out that it is necessary to prepare in advance a strategy for possible future quarantine releases, taking into account the planned preventive tests and vaccination of the population. .

The quarantine was announced in Lithuania on November 7 of last year, and from December 16 its regime tightened and lasted until January 31.

Currently, many stores, sports and leisure venues are closed in the country, the movement of people between municipalities and meetings both at home and in public places is restricted.
