It is proposed to ban the sale of pets in the markets


Virginija Vingrienė, a member of the Seimas, proposes to include such a provision in the draft amendment to the Animal Welfare and Protection Act.

Its registered amendments also provide for mandatory labeling of breeding animals and stricter liability for authorities controlling illegal activities for negligent performance of their duties or deliberate concealment of illegal activities.

According to the project, all pets used for breeding activities must be marked with a microchip and registered in the Pet Registry database together with the health certificate from a veterinarian issued in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts.

It is also stipulated that pet breeders must register their activities in the Pet Registry database in accordance with the procedure established by law and provide information on all animals used and raised every six months.

The amendments to the law propose that “commercial pet breeding” means the raising of pets for commercial purposes, including the use of males for the fertilization of females, in accordance with the procedure established by law.

V. Vingrienė proposes to complement the article of the Penal Code that regulates the cruel treatment of animals, establishing the responsibility of the person who concealed said treatment.

In the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, V. Vingrienė proposes to impose not only fines for the illegal breeding of animals without a license to breed animals, but also confiscate the animals used for breeding and their offspring for such administrative offenses.

V. Vingrienė hopes that the adoption of the proposed amendments will ensure the implementation of not only theoretical, but also practical norms that prohibit the cruel treatment of animals. In their view, a smoothly functioning system will be created, which will help not only to respond in a timely manner to all cases of cruelty to animals, but also to prevent the establishment of illegal kennels in the future.

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