It is proposed to ban commercial fishing in the Curonian Lagoon and all inland waters of the country.


The registered project foresees that commercial fishing in the lakes will no longer be possible from next year, and within three years, commercial fishing companies will have to withdraw from the Curonian Lagoon and the main fish migration routes. An indemnity for leaving the business or reorientation is foreseen, whose procedure is until November 1 of this year. It must be prepared by the Government or its authorized bodies.

“Three years is a short but realistic period during which it is possible to compensate fishermen and fishermen in good faith for leaving the commercial fishing sector and / or switching to other activities.

More than half of commercial fishing companies currently have financial obligations and support, therefore, a sudden cessation of their activities would be threatened with fines and penalties, which the state should additionally compensate ”, says A. Gedvilienė.

According to her, since 2015, commercial fishing has been severely restricted in the country’s lakes, but this ban was enshrined in a ministerial order, which can be lifted at any time. After the ban on commercial fishing in the Kaunas lagoon, fish populations have multiplied several times over the years.

The explanatory memorandum of the law establishes that, according to publicly available data, companies engaged in commercial fishing employ about 200 natural persons, and 40 percent. The income of the fishing companies fishing off the Baltic coast is only about 900 euros a year, and the income of many inland fishing companies from the fishing business is only a few thousand euros a year. Therefore, according to the member of the Seimas, it is obvious that this activity is not the main source of livelihood for these people.

“The question that is often asked in society is whether it will be possible to buy smoked fish. The answer is simple and safe: yes, because even now almost all fish is imported.

The law stipulates that commercial fishing will continue to be possible in the polders, meadows flooded by spring floods in the lower Nemunas, where fish suffocate. Odor fishing will also be allowed in the Curonian Lagoon with by-catches of pigeons and invasive fish. The catches of this fish currently represent about half of the catches of commercial fishing companies that fish in the Curonian lagoon, ”says A. Gedvilienė.

In order to preserve the traditions and long-term activities of coastal and coastal communities, it is planned to maintain traditional fishing, which is registered as cultural heritage. The law provides clauses that allow traditional fishing such as shelling or capelin fishing by turning the bob, fishing during the holidays.

The bill also proposes to increase scores by prioritizing local fishermen, fishermen who provide tourist services, fish processing, and makes it difficult for operators who systematically violate legal requirements to obtain fishing quotas at auctions, and proposes to address long-term problems. dates as logging, etc.

The Fishing Law introduces an amendment to the Amateur Fishing Law, which provides for an increase in entry and license fees paid by amateur fishermen.

Another important proposal is to secure fish migration routes. Taking into account the recommendations of scientists, in order to protect and increase the resources of passersby, the bill prohibits commercial fishing in the coastal fishing bars located on the piers of the Klaipeda State Seaport and the mouth of the Sventoji River and 300 m from the coast.

The draft amendments to the law were signed by members of Seimas Aistė Gedvilienė, Ingrida Šimonytė, Andrius Vyšniauskas, Linas Jonauskas, Andrius Mazuronis, Arvydas Nekrošius, Kęstutis Mažeika, Viktoras Pranckietis, Kuumaskutvili – Mikulėnienė and others.
