It is proposed to ban commercial fishing in the Curonian lagoon


Linas Jonauskas, a member of the Social Democratic faction of the Seimas, registered modifications to the Fisheries Law that established it.

According to L. Jonauskas, so far the prohibition of commercial fishing has not been enshrined in law, but in an order of the Minister.

“Knowing how easily changing ministers can change their orders, I propose to introduce a ban on commercial fishing in inland waters in the Fisheries Act. Among them, in the Curonian lagoon. They are particularly affected by commercial fishing. In the Curonian lagoon, fish populations will soon reach a critical level, ”says L. Jonauskas.

According to the parliamentarian, the results of the study on the poor state of fish populations have also been presented by the Nature Research Center.

L. Jonauskas recalls that after the ban on commercial fishing in the Kaunas lagoon, the number of fish has almost quadrupled in five years. L. Jonauskas expects such an effect also after the prohibition of commercial fishing in the Curonian lagoon, as well as the prohibition of specialized fishing in the course of salmon, river lamprey, migratory eel and trapping in water bodies interiors of the state.

According to the Social Democrat, the ban on commercial fishing in inland waters will have a positive impact on fish stocks as well as recreation.

“While commercial fishing companies will have to reorient and launch a more sustainable business, tourism, hotel sector that serves amateur fishermen, it could have a significant positive effect, there would be more opportunities for its development. It is probable that with the recovery of fish populations, recreational fishing will become popular, which is much more sustainable and complements the state budget with revenues higher than those received from commercial fishing ”, says L. Jonauskas.

The Seimas member points out that amateur fishermen pay about 1.7 million LTL to the state each year when buying fishing tickets. euros. Meanwhile, according to their data, the annual profit of fishing entrepreneurs reaches 120,000 euros, the amount paid to the state by entrepreneurs who fish in the Curonian lagoon amounts to 221,000 euros per year.

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