It is not necessary to wait long to receive the second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine – it is possible


Many vaccinated people have wondered whether they should wait that long to receive a second dose, even if the European Medicines Agency (EMA) states that a second dose of Vaxzevria should be administered 4 to 12 weeks after the first. The term is also mentioned by AstraZeneca, the manufacturer of that vaccine.

Although the second dose was not allowed initially in Lithuania, this week, with the launch of the unified vaccination registry platform, it is possible to advance the second dose, which the system automatically assigns after 12 weeks: this is the break between the first and the second dose recommended by the Ministry of Health (SAM).

“This recommendation (with an interval of 12 weeks aut. past.) was introduced in clinical trials showing that vaccination with Vaxzevria produces more antibodies and stronger immunity when a second dose of the vaccine is given later.

However, if a longer pause adversely affects a person’s performance, vaccination centers have the option of evaluating each situation individually and administering a second dose earlier, at 4- to 12-week intervals, as recommended by the manufacturer. This means that vaccination centers should not advance the second dose on their own initiative, but can do so at the request of the patient himself ”, explained Julijanas Gališanskis, chief specialist of the SAM Press Service, to the Delfi portal.

It is not necessary to wait long to receive the second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine - it is possible

© LRPK / Robertas Dačkus

Vilnius-based Lina was vaccinated with the first dose of Vaxzevria vaccine in late April. The second waited only in July, causing inconvenience to the woman who had planned a summer trip abroad, as unvaccinated people would have to isolate themselves when they returned according to the schedule specified by the vaccine manufacturer.

Thus, as soon as the opportunity arose to advance the second dose of the vaccine, Lina rushed to use it. There didn’t seem to be anyone like her.

“I went to the ‘Vilnius Health’ website, I registered for vaccination through the government gates. Then they asked me in which week I would like the second dose,” Lina said.

There was no possibility to advance the second dose in Vilnius, so he clicked the “Show all places” button and chose another city where it was possible to get vaccinated earlier.

After a while, two messages arrived on the smartphone: one with the newly specified time and location for the second dose, and the other with the cancellation of the previous hour.

When asked how SAM experts assess the possibility of advancing the dose, J. Gališanskis said: “The Ministry of Health recommends a maximum interval of 12 weeks between the first and second doses of Vaxzevria, as recommended by the manufacturer. , as this achieves the maximum efficacy of the vaccine.. “

At the same time, the specialist recalled that the second dose can not be given before the deadline specified by the manufacturer – 4-12 weeks. The timing of the second dose of Vaxzevria should take into account that the maximum benefit of the vaccine is obtained when the second dose is given after 12 weeks.

Saulius Čaplinskas

Saulius Čaplinskas

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

A little earlier, Professor Saulius Čaplinskas, a specialist in communicable diseases, when asked if it was worth advancing the second dose of the Vaxzeveria vaccine, told the Delfi portal: “There are several aspects. Studies have shown that we get a good immune response a couple of weeks after a dose of the vaccine, and it remains unchanged for quite some time. When a second dose is given, that response is further improved and its shelf life is prolonged. In this case, the added value of the second vaccine will be greater the later it is administered, but not too late.

However, in some places it is said that early in certain frames, if I am not mistaken, 14-12 weeks is possible if there are other indications for this, such as approaching a trip or exams. The most important thing is not to miss the second vaccine in any way when it is already recommended, after 12 weeks, but no later. “

The professor pointed out that even after vaccination, immunity will still weaken one day, so a revaccination will be necessary.

“It stands to reason that the later, but not too late, the second dose is given, the longer immunity will last after that.

This means that the third dose, which is already obvious to be unavoidable (it will be an immunity-boosting dose), can be given later. A little later, in the course of it, it will be seen: if it will be possible to spend 8, 9 or 12 months, “said the interlocutor.

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