it is important to feel what the dog is “talking about”


However, if you are not interested in how to guide the dog correctly, this process can be as fussy as it takes and even owners of a medium-sized dog begin to complain with sore and outstretched arms and shoulders, because the dog does not listen. , the guide stretches in all directions.

What to do so that walking with a dog, and also for a dog, with you, is fun, says the specialist in animal behavior, cynologist and canine therapist Ugnė Nedzinskaitė of the public institution “Initiatives of animal welfare”.

The dog is guided by the legs, not the hands.

First of all, it is very important to teach the dog and learn to communicate correctly, to understand body language. Animals don’t use words when they communicate, but they are true masters at reading gestures and poses. Understanding body language is much easier for them than it is for us. And here, the establishment of our language as the primary means of communication somewhat suppressed the ability to communicate with body language alone. However, with a little effort, it is possible to achieve a mutual understanding, human and animal.

So what can you do to prevent your dog from sticking his arms out? First, realize that the dog is walking. The leash is only hand held to prevent the dog from getting lost and is like transmitting signals without words. However, most people do the opposite: they pull on the shoulder strap or bend their elbows, and if the dog is larger, it is no wonder that the arms suffer, its muscles are much weaker than the legs.

So the next time you take the dog out, try the following trick: focus and control your hands so they don’t stretch the leash. Show the direction of your movement to the dog by slowly but surely backing up or turning to one side or the other. You can call a pet to make it easier for you to catch up. Take the treats – No one has ever begged an animal to encourage proper behavior.

The dog speaks body language.

Why should a dog respond positively to such behavior on your part? Because animals transmit information about the direction and rhythm of movement through movements. If a walking dog stops, does not sniff something, but simply stops, it means that it does not want to go. If you sit down, then you really don’t want to go anywhere. If the dog is lying down, really, really, it probably won’t go anywhere. The reasons can be several: fear, distrust, pain, simply reluctance to know that you do not expect anything interesting, etc.

The raised front leg in the air indicates that the animal does not decide how to behave and in which direction to move. If a dog wants to go in any direction, it shows just by going there. If it’s important to him to go together, he can turn around a couple of times, run to us, and come back. By using the same body language cues, we can more easily show the dog what we expect from him. Of course, things may not go well at the same time because body language skills, like all other languages, need to be improved. But in the end, they make life a lot easier for both the man and the dog.

Try experimenting: let the dog walk along the leash during the walk, and then stop and call. Next time, do the same, just invite the dog to squat down. Repeat several times. The dog is more likely to run away when you yell at him in a crouch, because it is a pretty clear communication that you will not go, he needs to come. The same is true if the dog has slipped off the collar or started.

If you yell and run after, the dog is unlikely to come. However, if you choose a different strategy: running in the opposite direction or just staying in place, the chances of the dog getting closer will increase. Of course, it all depends on the situation: if the dog has caught a cat or a bicycle, it may not return until the passion for the chase has faded. However, if the dog simply decided to bless, it is better not to chase him, but to run in the opposite direction by themselves.

Stretching or stretching the leash can harm the dog.

Getting into the habit of leading a dog without pulling on the leash, but communicating with body language, will also benefit your pet’s health. The neck, both that of the dog and ours, is a very vulnerable place, rich in nerves, blood vessels and important organs responsible for respiratory hormonal balance.

Each section of the strap is a small bump to the neck, which is not only uncomfortable (you can easily make sure to rub your fingers on the top of your hand so you can hear the sound and then hit your throat). with the same force), but also harmful. The effects of numbness accumulate, causing microtrauma and tissue damage that eventually progresses to health problems.

Another very important thing is that the walks must have a purpose. For some people, the main purpose of a walk seems to be for the dog to do his “business.” And that is. It is better not to have a dog for such people.

A dog is a living being with its own needs. One of them is enough to move. A dog that moves enough is healthier and calmer, often having fewer bad habits than gentlemen who move too little. Therefore, the walks must satisfy, at least partially, the movement needs of the dog.

Go you call it

Another need of the animal is to smell. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and feel the need to take advantage of that ability. While sniffing, a large part of the dog’s brain works very hard, sniffing and sniffing, looking for smells on the way and following them, dogs relax as they focus on this sensation.

It helps them calm down, get rid of the stress they experience, engage in mental activities – dogs not only smell the harbor, they also analyze them. Just as people not only see the image in front of themselves, but also analyze it: “Oh, this couple is angry, and here is such a wonderful building, just at what age was it built? This newer, hmmm, do I like that style of architecture? Good publicity, hardly a good product? “

In western countries, the term “decompression walks” has even appeared, where the dog goes where the dog wants (obviously for safety) and the dog is allowed to smell as much as it wants and whatever it wants during the walk, thus walking a few kilometers. For nervous and sensitive dogs, these walks are a form of behavior therapy. True, if the dog is very shy, it is better to consult a specialist before starting such walks.

These two needs, movement and port, can seem contradictory. But one day you can walk the same distance at a brisk pace, and the next you can relax and let the dog sniff. It is helpful to use commands (“forward”, etc.) or other signs, such as leashes of different lengths, to make it easier for the dog to catch whatever he wants. And don’t forget the body language.

Can a walk have more goals? Of course, if you are late for work or something unexpected has happened, the most important thing is that the dog “does things” and does not have to suffer. Over time, walks can be used for games, movement, sniffing, team learning or development, socializing with other dogs, socializing, and other important things. Either way, walks are a great time to build and strengthen a connection with your pet. Remember, a dog has nothing else, only you and only the time you spend with him!

The information was prepared by Elena Nikonovaitė-Dumpienė of the Animal Welfare Initiative to encourage people to protect their pets and take care of the welfare of animals.
