It is clear which corruption schemes are being blamed on the mayor of Panevėžys: city support for covered debts


During the pre-trial investigation, data was collected that in spring 2019, while visiting the office of the president of the basketball club in Vilnius, the mayor of the city of Panevnežys, RMRačkauskas, may have requested the services of this businessman from Vilnius to cover the debt of the public election committee that he letterhead. euros.

RMRačkauskas is suspected of pledging that several companies run by the Panevėžys city municipality will provide additional financial support to the Vilnius resident-run basketball club without already being allocated from the city budget.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Alvydas Bieliauskas

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Alvydas Bieliauskas

The mayor of Panevėžys is also accused of abusing his official position.

According to the data from the pre-trial investigation, RMRačkauskas possibly used his influence as mayor to include a businessman from Panevėžys who supported him in the Panevėžys City Business Council, which is founded by the Municipality of Panevėžys.

In order to do this, the board’s regulations were even modified and four members (including the aforementioned one from Panevėžys) were delegated from the organization that unites entrepreneurs, as before.

The aforementioned businessman belongs to the public electoral commission headed by RMRačkauskas, to which, according to the mayor, he received the greatest financial support.

Shortly after this person was included in the Panevėžys City Business Council, a celebration of the mayor’s birthday was held at a cafe run by his family. In the cafe of the same family, the mayor of the city also met with like-minded people in the spring of 2019, awaiting the results of the municipal elections.

According to the survey, the facilities and food during these festivals were delivered to the mayor’s guests at extremely symbolic prices.

According to prosecutor D.Markauskienė, who led the pre-trial investigation, as mayor of the municipality of Panevėžys city, RMRačkauskas showed a lack of respect for the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Lithuania, distorted legal principles and rules provided for by laws and legal acts. implementing them undermined the prestige and reputation of the latter.

“Through these actions, the accused created a system of arbitrariness, contempt for the law, use of the service and adoption of legal acts that satisfy the interests of people outside the service, which is fundamentally contrary to the principle of the rule of law enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania “,

The Penal Code provides for a fine, restriction of freedom, arrest or prison of up to 5 years for influence peddling. Misuse of the service for property or other personal gain, if there are no signs of bribery, is punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to 7 years.

The case has been transferred to the Panevėžys Regional Court, reports the prosecutor’s office.

Another criminal case is being examined in the Šiauliai Regional Court, in which the mayor of Panevėžys and his adviser are accused of abuse of power.

The pre-trial investigation in this case was led by officials from the Panevėžys Board of the Special Investigation Service, and the investigation was led by Dalia Markauskienė, Prosecutor, Organized Crime and Corruption Investigation Division of the Prosecutor’s Office Panevėžys Regional.
