It is clear how the decision to award L. Girskienė was made: the candidate with the most points was left without an award


To public figure L. Girskienė, who at that time was a member of the Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS) faction in Klaipėda municipality, 3,000. The € 1 million prize was awarded last June on World Environment Day.

About a month later, in July 2020, L. Girskienė publicly announced his candidacy for Seimas with “peasants”.

“I have received proposals to run for the Seimas together from many parties, but during the decade, the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union was the only one who heard us fight for a clean Klaipeda and showed its support for solutions to pollution problems. through real actions “, motivated his choice.

Candidates for the award are evaluated by a commission

The Česlovas Kudaba Prize is awarded every two years through a competition for active and useful public activities or meaningful work in the field of training and environmental protection.

The rules for their presentation are defined in the legislation: by order of the Minister of the Environment a commission is formed, which evaluates the nominated candidates and votes for each one.

Subsequently, in accordance with the commission’s recommendations, the decision on the awarding of the award is made by the Minister.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ligita Girskiene

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Ligita Girskiene

The commission, which met in May last year and was chaired by Justas Jaskonis, the then adviser to the Minister, considered 5 nominations.

The approved resolution recommends that K. Mažeika be awarded the Česlovas Kudaba Prize to one of the four candidates.

According to the data available for 15 minutes, three candidates, including L. Girskienė, each obtained one commission point, and one candidate, Lina Marmaitė, obtained 4 points.

15 minutes According to the available data, three candidates, including L. Girskienė, each obtained one commission point, one candidate, Lina Marmaitė, obtained 4 points.

However, the award was awarded to L. Girskiene.

15 minutes After explaining why he was awarded the award if the commission’s opinion was different, it became clear that the minister’s order to award the award had not even been made public.


“Please note that non-normative legal acts are not published in the Registry of legal acts”, 15 minutes the Ministry’s Strategic Communication Division explained on Monday.

However, the order of the Ministry of the Environment, which defines the procedure for granting this award, establishes that this decision should be published: “Following the recommendations of the commission, the award decision is made by the Minister of the Environment through the signature is an order published in the Registry of Legislation “.

Not only that, it is easy to find previous ministerial decisions regarding the award of this award in the record.

Ministry of the Environment 15 minutes The Minister’s order presented in 2006 establishes, among other things, that the award is awarded taking into account the recommendations of the resolution of the commission meeting.

K.Mažeika: the decision is made by the commission

“I don’t know, the commission appointed her. I can’t really say what she was like there, I don’t even know as L. Girskiene, now that she’s said it, but I can’t say anything.” 15 minutes The former Minister of the Environment, now a member of the Seimas K. Mažeika, spoke about the award.

15 minutes Clarifying that the award was awarded by ministerial order, he stressed that it was awarded by a commission.

“It just came to our attention then, but the commission selected and said which person was the most suitable. Perhaps the president of the commission should be called to ask. ” 15 minutes K. Mažeika stressed that according to the legal acts, he had to make a decision.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Kęstutis Mažeika

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Kęstutis Mažeika

“I don’t know, you know, I can’t comment on this” 15 minutes recalling that L. Girskienė scored 1 point and the other candidate – 4, said the former minister.

When asked once again if his decision was not to award the award to L. Girskiene, K. Mažeika stated that the decision was made by the commission and signed it as minister.

As recommended by the Commission, the order is brought, as argued, for signature. I can’t say much, “he said.

When asked if he had not instructed not to publish the award order, K. Mažeika replied that it really could not be so, because the Chancellor of the Ministry or the employees of the Personnel Department decide such matters; it could have been his decision. .

K.Mažeika also 15 minutes he said that at the time of the award ceremony he did not know L. Girskienė personally.

I didn’t really know L. Girskienė personally until he became a member of the Seimas, if you’re calmer about it.

“I really didn’t know L. Girskienė personally until he became a member of the Seimas, if you are calmer about it, I can say so,” said the MP.

J.Jaskonis: the decision was made by the Minister

J. Jaskonis, the then adviser to the Minister, headed the commission. 15 minutes He said that the commission’s decision was only of an advisory nature, and the decision to whom to award the award was made by K.Mažeika.

Irmanto Gelūno / 15min nuotr./Justas Jaskonis

Irmanto Gelūno / 15min nuotr./Justas Jaskonis

“These commissions are on paper in the ministry, they are recommended in principle. Because the award is awarded and the decision is made by the minister. The candidates were nominated, they all expressed their will, said they were voting, we presented a protocol to the Minister where we list all the candidates and how many votes each candidate has collected. I really don’t remember the last names, another candidate had gathered more votes and then the minister, after knowing the minutes, made the decision to appoint, “he said.

Asked then who is the commission, if the minister is not obliged to take into account their opinion, J. Jaskonis said that “there were known risks and everything else, but the decision is not binding.”

“With regard to L. Girskienė, from what I remember those conversations, there was an intention not so much for L. Girskienė herself as for the people of Klaipėda who contributed to the spread of” Grigeo “(contamination – aut.). That is probably the Minister’s decision to evaluate L. Girskienė ”, he considered.

L.Girskienė: I am not aware of any nuance in the awarding of the award.

Member of Parliament, member of the “peasants” faction L. Girskien 15 minutes On Monday, he said that he had not even spoken to K.Mažeika before the award ceremony.

Furthermore, she emphasized that she was not a member of LVŽS at the time.

“The award is intended for public purposes, for that money I created a website where we register odors, pollution in Klaipeda, we are doing a joint project with FEZ, not a single penny has fallen into my hands,” he said.

The MEP stated that she did not know the nuances of the award:

“I do not know the people who nominated me, the other candidates or the members of the commission. We have never had personal contact with the Minister and we have only met several times at the Ministry on contamination issues. “
