It is a great honor: the Olympic torch is in the hands of Lithuania


“This opportunity occurs very infrequently in a person’s life, therefore the impressions are unique. Both the preparations for the Olympic Games and the fire relay are taking place under difficult conditions. Strict measures are being taken. security around the world in response to a pandemic.

Despite the limitations, I felt the warmth and enthusiasm of the fleeing people. Although at a distance, there were quite a few who supported and greeted. It was a great honor for me to be among the people who participated in this trip and to be one of the few foreigners. As I ran, I was thinking about the Lithuanian athletes preparing for the Olympics, ”the ambassador told

Gifu Prefecture and Lithuania are connected by a personality whose memory is preserved both in Japan and in our country. In 1900, the famous Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara was born here. Before World War II, transit visas to Japan issued by a diplomat who served as Japan’s vice consul in Kaunas saved thousands of Jews. Last year, a sculpture in memory of Chiune Sugihara was inaugurated in Kaunas.

“As I was the last runner in today’s group, I brought the Olympic flame to Chiune Sugihara Memorial Park. It was an exciting time. His memory is very well preserved here, and the connection with Lithuania is one of the reasons why I was offered my candidacy for the Olympic torch relay, ”said G. Varvuolis.

The Olympic torch journey will last 121 days. This time, due to the epidemiological situation, the torch is carried only within Japan, without spectators. The relay began in Fukushima in honor of the victims of Japan’s worst earthquake 10 years ago. The relay will end at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics on July 23. In 121 days, the Olympic flame struck all 47 prefectures of Japan.

“Moods on the epidemiological situation in Japan are cautious, but the country is determined to host the Olympic Games. All security measures and precautions will be taken to this end. The key word in these Olympic Games is ‘hope.’ It is believed that the Games could symbolize the end of the pandemic, the unity of humanity and become a light at the end of the tunnel, ”said the Lithuanian ambassador to Japan.

The Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 23 to August 8.
