It calls not to criticize MAMA, but to look from another angle: is this an example of how to return to normal life? | Names


One of those who gave an opinion on this issue is a television program producer. Gediminas Jaunius. “What did MAMA show yesterday? Cynical disrespect for a quarantined society or a path towards how the restricted field of culture and reaction can finally be liberated? “, I ask.

Gediminas wrote that the awards passed to the government could be an example of how to allow cultural events to happen again, just use the tests.

“It does not take much wisdom to be outraged by the MAMA awards. I agree with those who say that this case should be evaluated. But if we already evaluate, let’s evaluate rationally, not emotionally and without prejudice and no matter what to punish the participants and organizers of the event.

Rays from politicians on social media yesterday signaled a signal to the responsible authorities that they would have to search for culprits.

What if we consider this case not as a “plague at a banquet”, but as a blow to the Stupid and grant for an inelegant expression, but this attention and indecision has already reached everyone. What if, in the end, someone, without a real dialogue with the Government, could possibly show the way we could follow to liberate culture in the broadest sense?

I am not affiliated in any way with the MAMA organizers, so this opinion of mine should not be endorsed in any way biased or apologized for this event. However, I must admit that the model is noteworthy, spreading the idea of ​​an immunity passport presented by Remigijus Šimašius, which is also authorized in government corridors and offices.

For the moment, the least relevant are the screams and outrages that are spread on social networks to those whose shoulders bear the responsibility of decision-making. Members of the Seimas and the Government would like to expect leadership without populism: examine the case objectively and quickly present a reasoned position to the public.

Obviously, society is already overheated. And the lid of the boiling pot won’t last long. It is worth taking as a serious signal not only the MAMA event, but also the images in the public spaces of the cities.

TEST TEST TEST – this is where WHO’s call to countries began at the start of the pandemic. Maybe we’ll try it in a year? G. Jaunius reflected.

The composer and the performer thought similarly Stanislav Stavickis-Stano, posted a photo of his son on Facebook holding his father’s MAMA award last year.

“Here Adam and I got MAMA back last year.

And what to do this year?

We can catch Martynas Tylas and hang them behind our ears at the gate of the arena “Žalgiris”.

We can still see how the Covid-19 passport concept worked for the first time in real life. All participants were evaluated and had 48-hour data. That is the passport. It would be useful and important to analyze everything for professionals and regulate quarantine changes based on the information received. Maybe we’ll get back to events soon.

I offer this without anger, revenge, accusations, etc.

Let’s hang up Martin.

And MAMA this year was perhaps more than an award. Maybe that’s the way to organize events in the future. Because that f … covid is going nowhere … “wrote Stano.

The interpreter spoke on the same topic about the tests. Andrius Mamontovas, remotely nominated for a 2020 MAMA nomination.

“Members of the Seimas and the Government.

Maybe it’s time to talk about free (or publicly available) quick tests? You get the test results on your mobile phone and with a custom barcode, you can have more options in a set period of time than just sitting at home. This is how life begins to move. You want to go to an event or meet family – take a try and have a chance. A great concert has just been held in Barcelona because everyone could participate in it with tests and masks.

Now that there is no such option, people are still trying to break the rules silently (or publicly) without contributing in any way to managing the pandemic.

Is it really worth the further deterioration of the emotional well-being of the public, or is it better to make rapid tests available to all and allow a small return to life? Is it better to make up for a failed business or is it better to have free quick trials for everyone and start a new business?

I’m not just asking about culture here, “A. Mamontov shared his opinion on Facebook.

15 minutes Remember that the MAMA awards in public space have been criticized for taking place at a time when other people cannot go to another municipality, visit their loved ones, have fun. Many also pointed out that the guests did not wear masks and did not keep safe distances while on stage.

It is true that, as announced by the organizers, all guests were required to have a coronavirus test prior to the event and were only admitted to the arena if they received a negative response. Also, at a time when they weren’t standing on stage and posing on the red carpet, they had to wear masks.

Due to the pandemic, the number of guests dropped significantly this year: only the organizers, nominees, their families, nominators and the media participated in the ceremony. other representatives of the world of entertainment, as well as businessmen and athletes, were invited in the past.

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