It aims to clarify quarantine bans on sports and entertainment.


The Ministry of Health proposes a clearer definition of leisure, entertainment and sports services that are subject to restrictions during quarantine.

“Due to uncertainties regarding the classification of certain services as recreation, entertainment and sports, the scope of services is consequently expanded by prohibiting the provision of recreation, sports facilities, sports clubs, gyms, entertainment, recreation, swimming pools , saunas, discotheques, dance halls, cinemas and movie clubs ”, says the resolution.

The insurance applies to both natural and legal persons.

The resolution also prohibits the visit of recreational services, recreation, sports facilities and premises intended for the provision of recreational services, the physical service of visitors and the rental, sublease or use of premises owned or legally owned by these facilities for the organization of private events, celebrations or other gatherings.

It is true that the exception for some sports activities remains valid until now.

“With the exception of high performance sports exercises, individual sessions of physical activity provided by a sports or physical activity specialist, an instructor or a sports or physical activity specialist service provider, ensuring the flow of people, compliance with safe distance, public health hygiene, the provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment ”, – establishes the resolution.

The quarantine in Lithuania is valid until November 29. The Cabinet of Ministers should decide on the extension of the quarantine next week.
