Isolation may be shortened in some COVID-19 patients


Health Minister Arūnas Dulk’s order providing for this came into effect on Saturday.

Isolation can only be shortened if the patient has been fever free for at least the last three days without medication and other COVID-19 symptoms have subsided.

According to the ministry, the isolation of employees of certain institutions is also shortened to ensure the proper functioning of these institutions.

Custodial, nursing and supportive care facility isolation in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 illness may be terminated 14 days after symptom onset if the patient no longer has a fever for at least the past three days without medication, and other symptoms of COVID-19 disease subside.

In the past, these people had been subjected to 20 days of isolation.

According to SAM, patients, wards and residents of institutions that provide treatment and supportive care, social care institutions and prisons, as well as patients whose immunity is weakened due to organ or stem cell transplantation, chemotherapy, will need to be isolated for 20 days. , immunotherapy, HIV and other causes.

In patients with asymptomatic disease, isolation may be discontinued after 10 days from the date of collection of the smear detected by PCR.

The Ministry recalls that in all cases, the isolation is ended and the patient is considered to be cured only by the doctor’s decision.
