Is the reaction of “electrified” society to the Istanbul Convention a post-Soviet legacy?


According to experts, the reason for the extremely heated discussions about the Istanbul Convention is the traumatized and highly phobic post-Soviet Lithuanian society, which shows its aggression by believing that it protects the foundations of traditional values ​​around the world.

Is society prone to extremes?

The then President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė, submitted the Istanbul Convention to the Seimas for ratification in 2018, but the peasants stopped this process.

Although it seeks to introduce measures to prevent domestic violence, gender violence or sexual violence, opponents of the Convention are concerned about the two concepts mentioned in the document: biological and social gender. This is said to distort the attitude of men and women in society, in addition to destroying the traditional family.

Communications specialist Aidas Puklevičius is convinced that the intense public debate on the Istanbul Convention shows its tendency to extremes.

“We have signed many agreements, which certainly not all are implemented in the same way, but that does not mean that we have to stop creating and signing them, because they define the direction we want to go, not the result that is going to be achieved. morning.

Consequently, it is very wrong to believe that the signing of this convention will start to flow down the banks of the Kieselguhr river and all will go well because of the violence in the immediate environment, especially against the weakest.

In addition, those who believe that a person will not be able to access an ATM after ratifying the convention will be completely outraged, because a gay man will approach him from behind and try to rape him.

And everyone is upset because they are nervous, ”said A. Puklevičius on the 24/7 Lietuvos Rytas television program.

V. Bruveris: The president does not see this – an intentional crime

Disputes over the Istanbul Convention included priests and politicians in the field of discussion. A letter of faith that Algirdas Toliatas believed in was widely criticized, inviting him to pray that the force representing the Lithuanian minority intends to transform the lives of all of us in a way that is favorable for her, but not for Lithuania. .

Later, the clergyman excused himself for wanting to start a discussion about traditional values ​​and came out in a way that he understood that he had no freedom of expression. President Gitanas Nausėda also spoke on this issue, expressing his support for priest A. Tololia.

According to political commentator Vytautas Bruveris, the president proved to be closer to opponents of the Istanbul Convention. On the other hand, support for a priest may respond to the popularity of the head of state, but it deepens public controversy.

Yes, you may not agree with the reaction that addressed the statements of the priest A. Tololia, but not only with the brutal, brutal campaign of harassment not only on social networks, which is directed both against TVRaskevičius and against homosexuals, even members of society. Who support them. Not seeing is criminal intent.

First of all, from the political point of view and the head of state, who must calm the situation, urge the public to relax and look in the mirror ”, explained V. Bruveris on the television program“ Lietuvos rytas ”24 /. 7 “.

According to him, there is still a lot of aggression in Lithuanian society, which is determined by historical experience and the idea that the fight against the Istanbul Convention is a fight for the fundamental values ​​of our country and even the whole world.

“Instinctive and domestic homophobia or, in general, such a primitive, savage and barbaric perception of all these things is prevalent in a large part of society. The engine of this is the great aggression accumulated in society. Lithuanian society, like all post-Soviet and post-totalitarian societies, is very aggressive, traumatized, and has many phobias.

All this turns into holy wars, imagining that the values ​​of society, the state or even the whole world are protected ”, pointed out the observer.

L. Bielinis: The president can have his own opinion, but he has to solve this situation

For his part, political scientist Lauras Bielinis emphasized that the president, like anyone else, can have his own opinion, but he must be the leader who must settle the debate on the issues that divide society and control possible conflicts.

“We need to realize that the president, both as a person and individually, has his own civic and cultural position. You mean it and you have the right to express it. The president, on the other hand, is the head of state who must resolve these conflicts and moderate any public debate.

Here, I think, that level of moderation, whether you like it or not, will have to do it, and that step will probably begin first, hold a meeting where the guidelines for discussion will be set, “L. Bielinis summarized.
