Is the child constantly distracted and losing their belongings? The psychologist advised how to put everything in its place


Learning, without reprimands or reprimands

According to I. Būdvytytė, if a child has not experienced significant changes in the immediate environment, then the first month of the school year is their first full experience, according to a press release. Naturally, things don’t turn out the way they would like at first.

“The first experience is almost always stressful for a child. At the beginning of the school year, not only in the first but also in later grades, it is necessary to adapt to the new environment, conditions and regime. In order for the adaptation to the new rhythm to be smooth, the child should not be punished or embarrassed, scolded for forgotten or lost objects. After all, a child experiences stress even without strict instructions. Instead of punishing, it is better to support the child and teach in a calm tone, and the loss itself will be a valuable lesson for him, ”says the psychologist.

I.Būdvytytė recalls that a person learns through experience, which is acquired in the long run: nothing in life happens by itself. “For a child to acquire the necessary skills, he must face various situations in life. This means that he has to lose the item to be more careful next time,” says the specialist.

It is important to develop a child’s skills

“Show an example of the child’s appropriate behavior, gather the things you need for the next day each night, teach the child and clearly show what you expect of him. For example, encourage your child to pack a backpack for the next school day; In this way, you will know your belongings better, that is, you will pay more attention to the backpack and to each item that you put in it. Tell the child that there is a similar procedure at school: put things together carefully and check them according to the list, ”says the specialist.

Is the child constantly distracted and loses his belongings?  The psychologist advised how to put everything in its place

It is also important to resist the temptation for a child to forget to attack someone who has forgotten to wear a forgotten job or sportswear to school. By feeling the consequences of forgetting, you will learn to be more careful next time. Of course, it is important to take into account the maturity of the child, if he is already able to plan independently and put together what will be needed for the next day. You may need your help first.

It is very important to teach the child the routine so that all things in the house have their place and know where to find what they may need. According to I.Būdvytytė, without a clear structure, a child will not learn to pay attention or behave responsibly in various situations. Attention to detail will encourage you to do the same in other, much more important situations.

“Due to children’s lack of experience, stress and habitual distraction, the child’s attention and responsibility is limited to only one of the most relevant and interesting things at the time. Personal items are often not a priority. “The whole focus is on making new friends and entertaining. When raising a child, his responsibility must be developed in practice, creating situations in which he must perform the assigned work,” says the psychologist.

“When a child buys everything as soon as his first wish appears, it is possible that very soon the child has too many things. Also, if the offspring get everything that the heart desires and without any effort, the value of things in their eyes will decrease. This will happen every time you lose an object and replace it with a new one, before the child can feel the consequences. Also, when buying very expensive items, parents should be aware that there is a high risk that the child will lose. It is always necessary to assess the real needs of the child and consider the possibility of buying lower value items “, says I. Būdvytytė.

Is the child constantly distracted and loses his belongings?  The psychologist advised how to put everything in its place

Children themselves are also affected in educational institutions

Insurers point out that in the first months of the school year, children in educational institutions suffer not only from children’s belongings, but also from students themselves. “When we talk about a group of children in a place, the risk of injury or injury to them always increases. Often there are situations in which even adequate attention to the safety of children does not protect against disaster”, says Ana Taraitienė , head of the Department of Health, Travel and Personal Injury of the insurance company Gjensidige.

According to A. Taraitienė, in autumn there are more cases when children hurt each other: they are pushed or collapsed and then disaster strikes, or when they behave carelessly, run or fall in the hallways of schools, gyms and dining rooms. According to her, children are constantly in the most unexpected situations, so it is very important to take care of their own safety. “Statistics show that in autumn children are more frequently injured in educational institutions: they slip, cut themselves and suffer limb injuries while playing and playing sports. It is not always possible to protect themselves from injuries or other accidents. For children rest assured, we must constantly take care of your direct and indirect security measures, ”says A. Taraitienė.


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