Is it possible to go to neighboring countries with children – Latvia or Poland – in a long weekend?


Will I need to isolate myself when I return?

No, but the rules for returnees from Latvia and Poland are different.

If you have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus or you are sick (not before 180 days ago and you have a medical certificate confirming it), then everything is calm, you do not have to worry about returning the rules. Everything you need before coming to Lithuania, not before 48 hours. Before the start of the trip, fill out the form and get a QR code.

Both Poland and Latvia are not included in Lithuania’s list of affected countries this week. That means coming back from them no need to isolate.

However, the rules for the COVID-19 test are different. Upon returning from Poland this week, the COVID-19 test is not required as the country is assigned to the green zone.

Meanwhile, Latvia is in yellow. This means that Mandatory study on COVID-19 for returnees from Latvia (PCR or antigen test).

The PCR test for COVID-19 must be done at least 72 hours in advance. before arrival in Lithuania and a negative answer is received, the antigen test must be done no earlier than 48 hours before. before arriving in Lithuania and received a negative response. The COVID-19 test is mandatory for people over the age of 16.

If you are driving, there is an exception: the exam can be taken after your return. So it must be within 24 hours. from arrival to register and conduct a survey in Lithuania.

For children under 16 years old. It is not necessary to have a negative answer to the test when arriving in Lithuania.

What are the rules for traveling to Latvia?

All travelers to Latvia or in transit through any country from any country must complete a traveler form at least 48 hours before crossing the border of the Republic of Latvia. and save the QR code.

The following can come to Latvia from Latvia without restrictions:

  • totally COVID-19 vaccinated people 15 days after the end of the vaccination cycle and people in possession of a document that proves it;
  • Covid-19 League persirgę persons no more than 180 days after the first positive SARS RNA test and persons in possession of a document certifying it;
  • Not have before 72 hours. PCR SARS-CoV-2COVID-19 Or not before 24 hours. is a SARS-CoV-2 antigen performed negative test result.

Latvia recognizes the EU digital COVID certificate, which is simply to prove your health status with it. How to collect a certificate read here.

Can children go to Latvia?

Children under the age of 12 do not need COVID testing or isolation.

Latvia has included Lithuania in the yellow list, high risk countries. Isolation is mandatory for children between the ages of 12 and 18 coming from these countries. Isolation is also mandatory for unvaccinated and non-sick adults accompanying children from high and particularly high risk countries to or through Latvia.

Latvia publishes the list of affected countries every Friday, and it does not come into effect on Monday, as in Lithuania, but on Saturday. Can the state of Lithuania change this Friday? It is difficult to say that it will depend on the daily number of new cases of COVID-19 in our country. So far, the incidence appears to be decreasing, so we should stay in the yellow zone. The new list will be available for your review here on Friday.

You can find more information about the rules when you go to Latvia on the MFA page:

What are the rules for traveling to Poland?

Poland also recognizes the EU digital COVID certificate and applies similar rules to arrivals to Latvia.

For people traveling to / through Poland paskiepytiems COVID-19 (must be 14 days after vaccination), persirgusiems (no earlier than 6 months) or with negative COVID-19 test result (no more than 48 hours before crossing the Polish border), there is no quarantine. The assay can be PCR or antigenic.

Can children go to Poland?

Polish law on pandemic restrictions provides an exception for children. Children under the age of 12 do not need to be tested if they are traveling with adults who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a negative COVID-19 test result.

You can find more information about the rules for traveling to Poland here:
