Is a doctor with serious health problems being chased away by a doctor?


According to a Kaunas woman who constantly suffers from abdominal pain, a doctor from the Kaunas clinics kicked her out of the office, saying she was healthy. A month after this visit, the woman who fainted was rushed to the same clinics. The woman accuses the doctor and records false facts in her medical record.

Two operations were required

Kaunas Sonata (last name known to the editorial board) suffers from hydronephrosis of the right kidney since birth. It is a disease in which part of the urine does not flow into the bladder for various reasons, generally due to a certain obstruction, retaining it in the kidneys. As a result, the kidneys begin to expand or swell.

When the disease got complicated, the woman had to catheterize her urine and a stent was placed in her urethra. “This procedure is not easy, it was performed under anesthesia. The stent was left in the ureter for about two months, then another was placed,” recalled the interviewee about the unpleasant procedure.

To remove the barrier that prevents urine from draining naturally, the woman in 2017. underwent surgery twice in the Kaunas clinics. “During the operation, I had to cut the ureter and sew it in another place, so that the blood vessels in the kidney would not compress it. The first operation was performed laparoscopically, but it failed. Sonata said. The woman admitted that she only needed to insert a stent once after the operation, but said the operation was not a total success. “The goal of the operation was to prevent the kidney from expanding further, but it is still expanding, and after this operation kidney function remained impaired.” I need to be examined and treated thoroughly. Also, three years after this operation, I live with abdominal pain. My right side hurts where the incision was. From there to the lower abdomen it hurts, “she added.

Nausea, dizziness, and high blood pressure also contributed to abdominal pain.

Sonata said she had been ill for a long time during the quarantine period, had pain on her right side at the site of the operated kidney and had a fever. “I took antibiotics for a month and a half, I had to drink three different ones because it still didn’t help. The family doctor wrote a referral to a urologist,” the interlocutor recalled.

Described before study

With a referral from a family doctor on July 10. Sonata came to the Kaunas clinics for a consultation with a urologist. Consulted by Darius Trumbeckas – doctor, 2017 after he underwent a second complete surgery on his right kidney.

Then, according to Sonata, a conversation occurred in the doctor’s office that offended her, and there was nothing written on her personal health card. The woman was surprised that she claimed D. Trumbeckas described his results before conducting her own dynamic kidney scan study. “She assigned me a urine test and a kidney scan, which was to be performed on July 16. But she described the results of the kidney scan on July 10. She wrote in a medical transcript:” The condition of the right kidney is good

How can this be written if the research has not been done yet? The woman wondered.

And now I’m going to sit in a Ferrari and drive to a private clinic.

The woman was also offended by the doctor’s disrespectful behavior. “D. Trumbeck wrote in the medical transcript that I came for a check-up. But it was not my regular visit to the checkup after the operation. My urine was bad, the results of this test were written by the family doctor in the reference. AND the stomach pain is intense and the head is sick; You look good, I will write that you are healthy. Go and do not walk with me anymore “, Sonata quoted the offensive words of the doctor.

The woman recalled that, when asked by a doctor, she said that she did not have a car, driving on public transport. “And now I’m going to sit in a Ferrari and drive to a private clinic,” yes, according to Sonata, the doctor who responded.

Interestingly, all the patient’s health complaints in the medical transcript were abbreviated by the doctor to the following words: “She has many health complaints, pain, weakness”, without specifying that the woman complains of abdominal pain, he said, in the site of the operated kidney.

July 20 after receiving the actual results of the kidney scan, the woman learned that her condition was not as good as the urologist mentioned. Right kidney function was found to be slightly altered, representing 49%. general kidney function. “And a urine test showed that the leukocyte count was much higher than the norm of 250 / μl,” recalled the interlocutor.

Fainted after the attack

After an unpleasant visit to the clinics, Sonata enrolled in a private clinic of Dr. Kildos Clinic to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. “Although Trumbeck said on July 10 that I was fine with my kidneys, I was healthy, an ultrasound examination at a private clinic on July 27 showed that she had mild hydronephrosis on the right side and acute pyelonephritis,” different conclusions about her health. , received in different treatment facilities, was provided by the interviewee.

For acute pyelonephritis, which was also shown by urinalysis, Sonata’s family doctor prescribed antibiotics. However, the abdominal pain, dizziness and nausea did not go away; in the words of the interlocutor, they only intensified. In early September, after an attack of pain, the woman fainted. She was glad there wasn’t one at the time, with a friend who called an ambulance.

Then Sonata found herself in the same Kaunas clinics, only in another: the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic. “I was operated laparoscopically here because it is suspected that maybe a twisted ovary is causing these pain, dizziness, nausea. But after the operation, it turned out that there are no gynecological pathologies, nor gynecological reasons for these ailments,” said Sonata. She left the clinics at that time with two referrals: to a surgeon and a urologist to examine the ureters and postoperative adhesions of the colon to the abdominal wall in the kidney.

I checked in again with D.Trumbeckas. And what else can I go to?

The woman has already received a consultation from a surgeon, also in the Kaunas clinics. “Abdominal surgeon Žilvinas Endzin told me that nausea and dizziness may be due to kidney problems. He also wrote in the extract that abdominal pain may be due to narrowing of the right ureter and that such ureteral damage may have occurred before and after surgery in the urethra. “Due to the colon adhesion that was formed after the kidney operation of D. Trumbeck, he wrote – pathology in the colon, to monitor if a hernia is formed,” said the interlocutor.

The woman said she was feeling more anxious about a visit to a urologist in late October. “I registered with Trumbeck again. And what else can I turn to? How long have I tried to go to another urologist in the clinics, everyone says: Trumbeck operated, go to him. I feel desperate, like in a closed circle. What if Will the doctor, despite research and the findings of other doctors, decide again that I’m healthy? ”Sonata feared.

High communication standards?

In order to know the position of Dr. D. Trumbeckas in relation to the facts mentioned by Sonata, we sent questions directed to this clinic to the Kaunas clinics. We asked the doctor to comment on the interview with the patient on July 10, we asked him what was based on the fact that the patient was in good health at that time and why he described the results of the kidney scan scheduled for the July 16 from July 10. We received answers to questions from the Communication Service of the Kaunas Clinics.

“A patient had a laparoscopic attempt to reestablish urinary outflow from the kidney in the Urology Clinic three years ago. Unfortunately, this time urinary incontinence could not be restored, so the narrowing of the urethra remained after the Half a year later The recovering woman was monitored by a family doctor and, once the stent was removed, the pain and pyelonephritis did not reappear, according to the responses sent by Eglė Audickaitė, senior specialist at the Communication Service from the Kaunas Clinic. and this year’s ultrasound and scintigraphy showed that the kidneys were working well and there was no urinary incontinence.After an ultrasound examination in the summer, the doctors confirmed that the urological system remained in good condition, and a scintigraphy test also confirmed that the kidneys were uniform and good. “

However, the response does not mention that the description of this year’s Sonata kidney scan indicates that the function of the right kidney has changed slightly.

When asked why the results of the kidney scan, which was scheduled for July 16, were described by the doctor on July 10, neither D. Trumbeckas nor representatives of the clinics responded, and no response was received. the request to clarify that possibly July 10th. in the extract, the doctor mentions the results of previous kidney scans.

When asked about the culture of communication between a doctor and a patient, the Communication Service responded: “Kaunas clinics adhere to high communication standards, therefore we constantly strive to ensure that patients do not just receive services of the highest quality, but also welcome. “

But how can it be that 07/10/2020. According to the data of the echocopy performed by D. Trumbeckas, the state of the urological system of the Sonata is good, and on July 27, 2020. Does the renal ultrasound performed in a private clinic indicate the presence of acute pyelonephritis on the right side? ?

E.Audickaitė sent an answer to this question: “Acute pyelonephritis is a clinical diagnosis rather than ultrasound, the symptoms of which are fever, lateral pain, leukocytosis. An ultrasound examination performed in a private clinic could show other results, because any seventeen days can easily unfold. league. “
