Irmida’s story about early motherhood, lost wealth, and courage: Being happy doesn’t always mean smiling, having a husband and money | Lifetime


“I am Irmida, I am from Lithuania. The feeling that my home is where I am. I do not have to go anywhere, I do not miss anything, I do not miss anything, because everything is with me,” she says, correcting the white linen dress with a slight movement on the moss.

What Irmida Petrulė does in life is difficult to say in a few words. Although she calls herself a magician, this word is adapted to many things, activities and experiences. The latter came from all his life.

– Irmida, I would like to start the conversation with you. How is she

– Very diverse. In the past, when I was young, I liked both the one and the second and the third. But women are very limiting and we think that if I am like a journalist, I cannot be a painter, I cannot be anything else I want. Therefore, I thought that interest is not my advantage, but my disadvantage: everything interests me, many areas.

Now I understand that this is my advantage. I became live paintings that talk about creating dresses that are not only a garment but also a means for a woman to be happy. I hold awareness meetings.

I bring women to a state of joy, happiness, fulfillment through conversations, through personal meetings. There are also audio meetings with archaic instruments. I create dresses, capes, perfumes, with which I will earn chests. It is food for the soul of a woman.

– This is your main activity, work? In other words, I want to ask, is this your source of livelihood?

– I used to live and find a job for money. Now I live off what I do and the money comes as much as I need it. Everything I need for my joy.

Of course, I live in a family, with a husband who is an entrepreneur. Provides financial support for the family. What comes out of my business is making me experience pleasure.

Money goes in as much as I need. Everything I need for my joy.

My life changed when I met my current husband. Then came the desire to search for oneself. I have really experienced many interesting things in my life, and I have never missed an activity, I don’t miss it now. I am already planning an event in Birštonas in the fall where I will invite women. It will be called “It takes courage to be happy.”

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

– What message are you transmitting to women?

– You need courage to be happy. In the past, it seemed to me that when a woman has money, a man, his own activities, children, travels, he is happy about it, he is already happy.

But being happy doesn’t always mean smiling, having a husband and money. That’s not. Fortunately, it is important to be when you look black around you, when you don’t see yourself, when you feel that nobody needs you, and when nobody seems to love you. Such states be happy And to see the meaning in all of that.

– Irmida, I ask maybe ugly. It seems cheap for you to be happy when you have a financially secure man, you can participate in pleasant activities. Maybe someone else would say, you don’t have to go to work every morning. I think it’s easy for you to talk about it.

– You asked kindly. But I raised my firstborn daughter alone for ten years. When I was expecting her, I was 17 when I was eighteen. And I went, I don’t know how. Holes I broke young, with a baby in my arms, without any science, without anything.

Later, I started studying, found a job and tried to reconcile everything as a child. And that’s why I know it takes courage to be happy.

I was not afraid to stand out when I saw that we were not on the road. I did not hesitate to fall into the well when everyone told me about expecting a baby at 17 years old. So, he said to me, here already everything. He ripped me off And I thought that child is the greatest happiness.

The inner strength is in each of us. You just need to believe and trust the Universe, follow the path of doing what you feel. It is courage, very great courage.

In ten years I have experienced a lot. I was looking for a career, I needed money. I worked only for them. There was a lot of everything, everything changed, turned.

I accomplished a lot then, as it seemed to me. I graduated, got a job, worked as a waitress, went abroad and came back again. I was everywhere with my daughter.

Later I got a job at a company where it took a lot of courage, strength, desire and confidence. I was lucky. I worked sales, rose to a professional career, earned a lot of money.

I was a bank specialist, then I became a branch manager, then a director of sales for all of Kaunas County.

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

I remember having a very high concentration of my own attention on money. I saw happiness and joy in them. I still thought I was a salesperson, generally not creative. I remember standing in a work suit and a new car in the yard from the cab. I have a husband, but a man I’m good with, no.

And then you stand in that formal suit realizing that happiness is not here.

I finally realized that happiness is in you.

It happened in my life that I lost all the money I had in one month. It was my personal bankruptcy.

Apparently, I have come to experience this life. And the more I experience them, the further I go. So I say to women all the time: don’t be afraid, do what you feel you want. Absolutely everything. Try not to go. Because women often say they are not in a delightful activity in life.

– Doing and following can fail.

– I have failed many times. But here is the success. When you fail, a door closes. This means that you have experienced the type of experience that you should have had. When you realize, when you find.

I tell him about my life again. When I finished, a little later I met my current husband. We had two children. He seems happy? But you still realize that that is not the point.

I wanted to find myself, find inner harmony, but not go to extremes.

I finally realized that happiness is in you. The happiness of being with yourself and feeling happy. To be with yourself in fullness, to want nothing from others, to have no expectations of your husband, not to be a mother to him, but only a lover, to love and make love. Don’t have expectations of the people around you, either. Because nobody will make you happy except yourself.

Yes, you can find a rich man who can flood you with wealth. But you will not be happy with that. My main clients are women who seem to have everything but not happiness. Why? Because that is not happiness.

When we don’t love each other, we find a couple that we want to embrace that great love, adjust give it a life.

It is learning to appreciate what you have, feeling gratitude for everything around you in life, what you find, daring to go where your heart takes you, even if nobody around you supports you. That is the courage to be happy.

When you want, go to bed and do nothing. When you want, eat a cake. Whenever you want, buy a dress. Women often limit themselves and, for example, do not allow themselves to eat sweets to avoid gaining weight.

– Me.

– Or they feel too thick.

– I also. And five more of my friends.

– Why? You can be anything, but if you are happy inside, accept yourself as you are. You are all about yourself. From your toes. You need to start loving yourself. And only when you love yourself can you love someone else. Only then.

When we don’t love each other, we find a couple that we want to embrace that great love, adjust give it a life. So it is very difficult for us to carry it.

– Probably a common situation when family members try to take possession of other people, sometimes to take away their hobbies, having nothing more than only me. Why?

– Because we are captive ourselves. By controlling another, you are controlling yourself.

Being a good wife, being a good mother is who you are. Do not raise your children, do not raise your husband, separate from everyone and commit.

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

– When you speak, you often mention happiness. It is as if you are putting an essential accent on that word.

– Because I think that all people want the only thing: happiness. When you start criticizing yourself for the weight, the crooked teeth, the breasts too small or too big, everything consists in to a state of happiness.

It really seems to me that all people want is to be happy. Health, by the way, is also part of happiness. Everything at the same point.

– How much does appearance and beauty affect well-being?

– We are all different. But if you feel ugly, don’t love yourself, then how can someone else see you beautiful? How, if you don’t love yourself, can others love you?

After all, you were created like this, you were born as such. So what do you want to change? You are of such composition that beauty. This is how you learn to love yourself, allow yourself more, fear nothing. I am not talking about extremes, of course.

By the way, it happens that when you follow the spiritual path, you can also go to extremes. I also had to experience it, so I share.

Spirituality does not mean lighting up, shutting yourself up in a cave, living and meditating. Spirituality is not that.

When you start going to your inner depth, it starts many things. Then start looking for yourself. Spirituality does not mean lighting up, shutting yourself up in a cave, living and meditating. Spirituality is not that.

Here you must also learn to be happy among people, to live with your family, with your children, to be able to accept people and not want to change them.

Happiness can be everywhere. You can do completely normal work and feel happy.

– And what would you call femininity?

– For me, femininity is about allowing yourself to be who you are. Loving yourself, feeling respect, feeling love, feeling gratitude above all for yourself. It all has to start with yourself. If you see in another that something is bothering you, it is not in the other person but in you.

Once I had to be in a company, I listened to people gossiping about others. In situations like this, I always think: why talk about me so ugly? Although he speaks of another, but in fact he speaks of himself. Everything that is not suitable for you in another person is about you.

Sometimes I think that the last moment of our lives is death. And if there was such a moment now, I can say that right now I am doing everything I want. Absolutely everything.

– Without saving a life?

I am not saving. I live in every moment, I allow myself to feel how I want. And it’s not based on anything. Nesiremia penniless

When I think and remember myself from an early age, I saw things differently. Mom used to say, why do you want to defend everyone? And I don’t want to defend myself, but I’ve seen him all my life like through pink glasses. I design it the way I want. I am not left in a state of anguish. After all, it happens to all of us such states. There are disasters

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

Photo by Ernesta Čičiurkaitė / 15min / Irrida Petrulė

– You are also a mother of three children. Who are you and what is motherhood?

– Yes three. The daughters are 21 years old and the sons are 7 and 5 years old. There are some wonderful things with the children that I also want to share. How not to raise your children, how a woman can accept her adult son, how to let her go, how not to want to control anything and how to love, look and see her enter her own experience. How not to interfere, not to advise, not to teach.

– Naturally, if the children want the advice of their mother.

– I say to my daughter: daughter, what can I advise you? Why do people want advice? That you don’t have to feel and judge for yourself. But if you tell me how to behave, you will know from your experience how and what to do. And man must survive his experience for himself.

How does the other know the best that you are? You have to feel what you want, where they take you, where life takes you.

When the heart opens, then it hurts. It also hurts when all your blocks, all squares, fall. Then you get naked and you have to go into the unknown.

This has been the case for me in life. I came to him like this, very believer in the Universe, believing that the path leads me to where it is best for me.

I am grateful for my experience to everyone I meet. I remember when I was still living alone it was great karinga a woman who can do everything by herself, who does not need anything from a man. Later I lost all my earned assets. And when I met my current husband, I realized what this lesson was about.

– About?

– That I have to take care of myself and my husband. I have to learn to accept a man’s gifts, learn to ask, to say what I want.

When you meet your man, you feel like he’s yours. Of course, there is a great need for wisdom for a woman and great love on the part of a man to allow a woman to be who she is. It is a reciprocal and beautiful path.

– You said you gave birth at a very young age, then there were more experiences. How did you get through them yourself?

– It was all. Much of everything in the years of my life.

When I walked so boldly through life, my parents flourished that way. But I think I have them I did not come in vain. Anyway, they didn’t give birth to me and it wasn’t just me that I chose such wonderful parents. I was born of great love.

Everything in life makes sense.
