Investors rated the government of S. Skvernelis 4.8 points out of 10


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

Managers and representatives of companies investing in Lithuania rated the activities of the outgoing government of Saulius Skvernelis with 4.8 points out of 10.

According to the Lithuanian Investor Confidence Index survey conducted by the Investor Forum, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rates investors best, the Ministry of Defense in second place and the Ministry of Finance in third place.

However, during the year, the activities of the Ministries of Transport, Health, Education, Science and Sports were the ones that deteriorated the most.

Rta Skyrien, Executive Director of the Investors Forum, says that the COVID-19 crisis in Lithuania and around the world is affecting business confidence, but it is far from being a pandemic due to poor investor performance.

Clearly, the government’s assessment has been influenced in recent years by a particularly tacit dialogue between business and government, hasty decision-making late last year, and a lack of real change in priority areas such as education, the efficiency of the public sector, immigration policy, medical care. Divide.

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