Investigation into possible violence against women by Benedict Vanags: prohibit approaching and seeking contact


Although the details of the incident are not made public, the news portal has managed to learn some facts about what actions have already been taken in this investigation prior to the trial for domestic violence.

Representatives of the Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that all the main participants in the incident had been interviewed during the pre-trial investigation. A person was also notified of a possible crime committed by him.

A pretrial investigation is conducted for the induction of physical pain or a minor health disorder. For this, a person can be sanctioned with public works or restriction of freedom, or arrest or imprisonment for up to one year.

The suspect was also placed in pretrial detention with a written commitment not to leave. In addition, he is obliged not to communicate or seek contact with the victim.

The police do not provide information on this investigation. Just a reminder of the basic information that on June 28 of this year, around 9 pm, the victim went to a health institution for the violence she had suffered.

The portal quoted a letter from a woman suspected of suffering violence, it is written to her, “that Benedict kicked me when I did not comply with some of his wishes. I felt nauseous after the hit. The right side of the face is still numb, the ears are plugged. “

His girlfriend spoke

Earlier, the news portal wrote that when the news spread that the runner B. Vanagas could have been violent against the girl, the victim’s girlfriend spoke up.

The woman, who did not want to reveal her identity, told TV3 what happened: “There were no fights, it was just a selfish blow from leg to head and stretching behind her hair.”

It is true that when asked about the victim’s relationship with B. Vanags, the woman did not want to reveal any further details: “I can’t say much until the trial takes place. A pre-trial investigation is underway. I can not comment more, these problems violate privacy “.

The woman told the portal that she helped a friend after the incident. According to her, the victim was lightly beaten.

B. Vanagas himself did not want to communicate with the media. The famous broker briefly expressed his position on the unpleasant facts on the Facebook account of the social network.

“I have never commented on my personal life. This attitude of mine will not change. I categorically deny the case of violence, but let the professionals in the field investigate.

I sincerely apologize if you have been disappointed by the news of the alleged incident of violence in the media today. Thank you for your understanding, “wrote B. Vanagas.
