Insurers with extensive experience are joining the prestigious Allianz network


– What are the achievements of your company during 20 years of operation in Lithuania?

– Having started operations in Lithuania, we have gone from being a newly created company to one of the leaders in the life and savings insurance market with a recognized brand and 300 thousand. customers.

Our performance was recognized at the European Business Awards, where we were selected as one of the top 10 medium-sized companies in Europe. We have also been chosen among the 10 strongest Lithuanian financial companies for two years in a row. We are now among the top 20 most desirable employers in the country.

– What did Aviva bring to the Lithuanian market?

  • Focus on the customer. Large global business groups are characterized by a strong focus on employees and customers, connectivity with communities, and social responsibility initiatives. We are strongly customer oriented, creating a company on a daily basis with which it is easy to communicate in the most convenient way, be it remotely, digital communication or live meetings.
  • Real benefits for disaster victims. We have cared for the financial security of our clients for twenty years. We pay the highest number of life insurance benefits on the market to clients or their family members who have suffered losses and illnesses (since 2013, according to data from the Bank of Lithuania).
  • Financial awareness. We have a nationwide network of professional financial advisers who not only look after and advise on life insurance, savings, investments, and retirement, but also develop people’s financial awareness and education. During the twenty years of operation, we have noticed the increasing financial responsibility of people, the understanding that only they can take care of their financial security and that of their loved ones.
  • Corporate social responsibility. Over the past 20 years, representing one of the largest insurance groups in the world, we have become pioneers of socially responsible business in Lithuania, proving that not only business results are important, but also relationship with the community. in which we work. At the end of last year, we were chosen among the 5 most socially responsible companies in Lithuania.
  • Opportunity to work, pursue a career, and earn money. We have assembled a strong, experienced and talented team of employees who work responsibly on clerical work. We nurture our people, train and constantly motivate ourselves to improve, discover and strengthen leaders. Most of today’s executives have grown within our company from the smallest rung.

We have also developed a network of professional financial advisers across the country who communicate directly with our clients and address their needs. We create the conditions for meaningful activities both for those who live in the largest cities of the country and in smaller towns. The profession of financial consultant is in special demand among young parents who, due to family needs, cannot always work eight to five; This profession allows them to plan their working hours themselves. We educate and motivate our consultants, we have created a true school of financial consultants. Working with us gains knowledge of the field of finance, as well as personal financial management and psychology.

Our financial advisers are probably the only ones in Lithuania who belong to the exclusive global Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) club. That is 1 percent. an organization of the best financial professionals and insurance intermediaries from around the world. We sincerely care for the people who come to us, help us to grow.

– You are among the 20 most coveted employers in the country. What does this rating mean to you?

– Only profitable, financially sound, stable companies with an excellent reputation that pay competitive salaries to their employees are included in this ranking, followed by those seeking employment. This assessment is important to us, because it shows that our strategy, business model and internal culture are among the most advanced and valued in Lithuania. This achievement is the merit of all our people, because we work our work with love, we never refuse to help colleagues and together we create what we can call our aura.

– How does the new decade of the company begin?

– Today we have a very important message: we are planning to start the new decade with a new internationally known name, Allianz. This change will be implemented with the necessary authorizations from the authorities and the fulfillment of other conditions provided. The prospect of belonging to an even larger international group means we have a plan to take another strong step forward. We believe that the world-class infrastructure of the Allianz Group will provide us with even more opportunities to take care of our customers, even more knowledge and experience, allowing us to rapidly modernize and continue to grow.
