Instead of the old commercial center of Vilnius, a huge complex of apartments and business centers is planned, and a new boulevard is being built.


However, construction did not start anyway and the old buildings of “Audėjo” remained standing. However, in November this year, new project proposals were submitted to the capital municipality, in which a huge complex of office buildings and residential apartment buildings should be built instead of the Audėja buildings.

The complex will consist of 8 buildings As indicated in the project proposals, the new complex will consist of 8 buildings for various purposes:

  • A, C, D, E, F: hotel buildings for long-term lease (concept of coexistence);
  • B: residential purpose – apartments;
  • G, H: administrative purpose – offices.

Houses B and D will have underground storage for automobiles and common utility facilities. It is also mentioned that buildings can be constructed in separate stages, preparing separate technical projects and obtaining separate building permits. The division of the construction of the complex into stages will be decided later.

Instead of the old commercial center of Vilnius, a huge complex of apartments and business centers is planned, and a new boulevard is being built.

© Made in Vilnius

“The area in question will be divided into two regulatory zones of different heights: 5 and 7 floors. A commercial function is planned in the busy and noisy part of the plot along Drujos street, between it and the planned residential neighborhood in the former territory of the Markučiai factory, a residential function is planned – apartments and apartments for rent. Mixed functions and public spaces formed within the dependencies of the commercial part – patios ”, – the project proposals are written about the future complex.

A new boulevard is already being built next to the municipality

Manufaktūrų Street, which is currently being rebuilt, borders the Audėjo buildings. A new boulevard will appear here for more than 2 million euros. Most of this amount will be the European Union Regional Development Fund: 1.7 million. The state budget of the Republic of Lithuania is 152,000 EUR. EUR, and the contribution of the capital municipality – 365 thousand. euros. A new plaza will also be installed.

Instead of the old commercial center of Vilnius, a huge complex of apartments and business centers is planned, and a new boulevard is being built.

© Made in Vilnius

Technical parameters of the project

  • Planned Object Address – Drujos str. 2, Rasai old age;
  • The area of ​​the plot is 30,000 m2;
  • The total area of ​​the buildings is 69,328 m2: Commercial premises – 43658 m2; Mixed use – 25,670 m2;
  • Building height: up to 7 floors (up to 28.5 m high);
  • Building energy efficiency class – A +;
  • Number of apartments – 508 units: 1 room – 134 units; 2 bedrooms – 342 units; 3 rooms – 32 rooms;
  • Number of parking spaces – 863 spaces (for the office part – 669, for apartments – 194 spaces);
  • Project developer – UAB Vilniaus miesto projektai (part of Lords LB);
  • The project proposals were prepared by UAB Unitectus, project manager – Povilas Čepaitis.

Instead of the old commercial center of Vilnius, a huge complex of apartments and business centers is planned, and a new boulevard is being built.

© Made in Vilnius

Public deliberation

Representatives of the public can send their proposals to the email [email protected] until December 4. The public hearing of the project proposals will be held on December 4 at 5 pm, by remote video transmission. A link to the video stream is provided here.
