Instead of an old wooden one, a big new house: “attached” to another house will cover the light, turn the patio into a “well”.


Saw the project in the ad.

Currently S.Moniuškos st. The house marked 10B does not really decorate the environment. As Rūta Budavičiūtė, who lives in one of the adjacent houses, said, when there is a stronger wind, even pieces of slate run. Also, this neighborhood is not safe.

However, the talks about the future reconstruction that began about a year ago brought a solution that none of the neighbors expected.

Addressing the city of Vilnius The municipality, the State Inspectorate for Territorial Planning and Construction and the Spokespersons of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilyte-Nielsen, elected Spokesperson of the Seimas in Žvėrynas, affirm that the municipality of the capital has approved the reconstruction plan of this house . Additionally, a permit was issued in November last year.

The local community says they found out by accident after seeing an ad on a real estate developer page.

„House with approved reconstruction project for sale in Žvėrynas, S.Moniuškos str. 10B. The house has 173 m2. m, made of wood, built in 1908-1925, not included in the register of cultural heritage values.

We have prepared a project (and have received a building permit) for the reconstruction of this house in a brick, 2 floors with an attic, 250 m2 M. m apartment area. It is planned to have 78 square meters m basement, almost 69 square meters. 3-room apartment of area m on the 1st floor and 103 square meters. m area, 5-room apartment on 2 floors (2nd floor + attic).

Photo / Visualization of the house of the future

Photo / Visualization of the house of the future

The project of the exterior walls of the house includes ceramic brick masonry, insulated with polyurethane panels and rock wool, clinker used for the decoration of facades. Gas heating and recuperative ventilation system are provided. The water supply and sewerage are connected to the city’s networks. Part of the land, where the house is for sale, has been redeemed, part has been leased to the state ”, it is written in the announcement about the house for sale with a reconstruction project, the price is indicated – 259 thousand. euros.

Remained overwhelmed

This announcement forced the neighbors to stumble.

“The permit for the reconstruction of the house was issued in 2020. November 11, but actually permission was granted for the construction of a new apartment building, because instead of a one-story wooden house, construction is planned of a three-and-a-half-story apartment building. In the permit it is called a 2-apartment house, with a non-residential basement (with windows) and an attic-studio with skylights (house height 12.22 m).

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Patio en Žveryne

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Patio en Žveryne

In the Municipality of Vilnius in 2020. On March 3, 2006, in the first stage of presentation of this project, the specialists of the municipal architectural part and the health specialists expressed their disagreement due to a significant infraction of insolation, therefore that the project was returned for repair, sadly the project was not adjusted. , “S. Moniuškos str. Residents of houses 10, 10A and 10C, whose yard and construction is planned.

Actually, a permit for the construction of a new apartment building has been granted, because instead of a one-story wooden house, the construction of a three-and-a-half-story apartment building is planned.

According to residents, many of the windows in existing apartment buildings are on the courtyard side, so such a large building in a small courtyard will turn the courtyard into a “well”, deprive residents of sunlight and natural heat will increase humidity. In addition, your assets will depreciate significantly.

See many procedural violations

The letter, which was sent by the population at the end of March, but says that no institution has received a response so far, also points to procedural irregularities.

According to the neighbors, the project proposals of the object were not publicized or coordinated with the neighbors, the Infostatyba portal does not contain information about the project, nor approval of the neighbors, although the projected house will be connected to the existing and covered house. the three-story windows of this house.

In addition, the volume and height of the planned object almost doubles, future violations due to insolation, population density, not to mention parking.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Patio en Žveryne

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Patio en Žveryne

“The entrance to the courtyard will be blocked, because a separate staircase to the basement is planned at the narrowest entry point, and a balcony above the staircase, so that in the event of an accident, neither firefighters nor ambulances will be able to enter the yard There is no assessment of the fire situation, no firebreak is planned, although a wooden house is only 5 m from the east wall.

The construction of the roof of the designed house creates an opportunity for a “pocket of snow”. The project was not coordinated with the tenants of the land on the common parcel, where the building under reconstruction is mentioned, which is related to the potentially increasing demand for parking spaces on the parcel and the violation of tenant interests ” , the neighbors. They named possible violations in their letter.

According to them, the project raises many questions based on reproaches and dissatisfaction: “The comments of the specialists, the disagreements about the violations were annulled and the building permit was issued. The Vilnius City Municipality did this consciously, fully understanding that the implementation of this project will significantly worsen the quality of life and safety in S.Moniuškos str. Vilnius 10, 10A and 10C families living in apartment buildings “.

See programmable conflict

R.Budavičiūtė says that she is one of the tenants of those parts of the state land with which no one has coordinated the new project. In his opinion, it is an immediate programmed conflict with the residents, who perhaps will see as one of the advantages of settling in this place the interior patio, which has space for cars.

But if a new neighbor puts a car on my lot, I have the right to call the police. What is it? Fight between neighbors, constant conflict?

“I am a tenant in this part of the yard. As I understand it, this issue had to be coordinated with me and other tenants. No one asked or informed us. Nobody thinks about where those people will park their cars. I have rented 60 m2. m of land, although I do not talk about it, we build cars in a friendly way with the neighbors.

But if a new neighbor gets up on my land, I have the right to call the police. What is this? Fight between neighbors, constant conflict? I feel good. It’s mine, I can let whoever I want to park, but I can’t either. But nobody talks about it, maybe potential buyers don’t know, “said Rūta.

The Žvėrynas resident said that she herself had difficulties coordinating the project to rebuild the existing attic with the Vilnius city municipality: “One of their arguments was that the population density in this area of ​​Žvėrynas was very high,

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Patio en Žveryne

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Patio en Žveryne

With such information, no one expected this density indicator to be ignored and such a three-story house could grow instead. Not to mention, it will cover other residents’ windows. “

Vilnius Municipality does not see any problems

The Vilnius City Municipality, which was asked to comment on the decision to issue a building permit at this location on S. Moniuškos Street, confirmed that the building permit was issued on November 11, 2020.

The rebuilt one-bedroom residential house into a two-apartment house is not part of a multi-apartment residential house.

According to the specialists of the Department of Architects of the City in Chief, the project solutions were approved taking into account the detailed plan of the residential area of ​​Žvėrynas and issued in 2016. Special architectural requirements and special requirements for the protection of heritage of the Department of Cultural heritage. Project proposals were also approved and in 2016.

“Rebuilding a one-bedroom residential house into a two-apartment house is not part of a multi-apartment residential house. According to the established conditions, the reconstructed two-apartment residential house does not exceed the construction limits of the old one-room house, it is a 2-story building with an attic and a basement. The consents of the co-owners of the land are.

The Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health has approved the submitted insolation calculations ”, the Vilnius City Department of Architects does not give residents any hope.
