Inspections start in April – They will visit car repairers and may face fines


According to the Department of Environmental Protection, during the campaign, environmentalists will focus on people who perform end-of-life vehicle maintenance, repair and dismantling (ENTP) in garage communities, individual garages, outbuildings, farms, hangars. and production facilities. .

“It is very important that the maintenance, repair or dismantling of vehicles, like other human activities, is as respectful as possible with the environment. For this reason, both in the normal course of business and during the campaign, we make a great effort to identify illegal ENTP operators ”, emphasizes the Head of the Waste Management Control Division of the Environmental Quality Department. specialist Paulius Rutkauskas.

Thus, environmentalists will verify that the people who collect and treat the vehicles at the end of their useful life have an IPPC or Pollution Permit, which specifies the conditions for the collection and treatment of ENTPs, the places of storage and disposal of waste. .

“Waste cannot be disposed of anywhere, especially in nature, because improper waste disposal is harmful not only to the environment, but also to human health.

For example, burning oil is particularly harmful to the environment and human health; Unfortunately, some auto repair shops also ignore this ban. We warn those who do not know that burning used oil releases heavy metals into the air, the high concentration of which can cause respiratory and skin diseases. The heavy metal particles deposited in the soil contaminate the soil and then the groundwater ”, adds the environmentalist.

Likewise, P. Rutkauskas highlights that the “Garage” campaign aims to educate and inform operators about the importance of entering into contracts with legal and transparent waste managers: “This will guarantee that waste is managed in a safe way for society and environment.”

According to Jurgita Malskaitienė, Head of the Waste Control Division, during the last “Garažiukas” campaign, environmentalists inspected 287 economic entities and 720 natural persons. 404 violations were identified: 284 by natural persons and 120 by economic entities. 44 mandatory instructions were issued to individuals and 21 to economic entities.

The most frequent infringements, adds J. Malskaitienė, were related to non-compliance or improper application of the requirements of the laws that regulate waste management.

“Examples include incorrect sorting of generated wastes, mixing of wastes with other wastes, improper waste storage (i.e. waste is stored irregularly in the field), waste incineration, non-compliance with the Waste accounting in the Unified Product, Container and Waste Accounting Information System (GPAIS), non-compliance with the labeling requirements of hazardous waste. “, – says the head of the Waste Control Division.

For carbreaker

Environmentalists will verify that ENTP activities are carried out only in non-residential premises. When working outdoors, it is important to ensure that the soil does not absorb pollutants.

The premises where the cars are dismantled are inspected and the systems for collecting and handling leaking liquids are inspected.

Attention is paid to whether people have formal contracts with waste managers to whom the hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated is transferred.

It is checked whether the information published in the Registry is checked before accepting a car that is no longer suitable for use, for example, if the car is not pledged, stopped, etc.

For auto repair shops

Department officials also inspect auto service facilities: whether they meet established requirements, whether repair shops have measures to neutralize spilled hazardous liquids.
Particular attention will be paid to the proper classification and storage of waste or excessive accumulation of waste.

The owner of the car service must have a contract with the legal waste managers.

Check what paints, varnishes, and primers are used for overcoating. In addition, if the requirements are met in those services where air conditioning systems are repaired.

Of course, it is checked whether the garage owner, when repairing parts that affect the quality of exhaust gases, has a gas metering device with a valid state inspection certificate.

Sanctions may apply

Companies whose activities generate hazardous and non-hazardous waste (with certain exceptions provided for in the legislation) must keep records of the generation of waste in the Single Accounting Information System for Products, Containers and Waste (GPAIS).

Dismantling activities of an ENTP without a permit or without complying with the conditions established in this permit will result in a fine of between 300 and 560 euros for natural persons, between 300 and 1700 euros for administrators of legal entities and between 600 euros . and 1,150 for other responsible persons.

For legal entities that carry out ENTP dismantling activities without permission, a fine of 10,000. up to 30 thousand. euros.

Dismantling an ENTP in breach of the permit conditions imposes a fine of EUR 1000-2000 on legal persons.

For infractions of waste management, natural persons are responsible from the warning up to 4100 euros.

Legal entities that transfer hazardous waste to illegal waste managers face a fine of 150 to 55 thousand. Violations of waste accounting can lead to a fine of between € 150 and € 1,400.

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