insidious symptoms and a growing threat to youth


Aurelija Žvirblienė, a professor at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center, explained that a special feature of the Delta variety is its ability to spread quickly and easily.

“If such a variety comes to the country, it will inevitably displace other earlier variants and begin to dominate,” A. Žvirblienė said on Lietuvos Rytas’ television show “Nauja diena”.

He recalled that something similar happened with the Alpha variety (formerly called “British”), which was imposed in our country a few months after the first case.

Delta strains have already been identified in some 80 countries around the world.

Symptoms are harder to tell

According to the professor, this strain is concerning because it has more than one mutation, which also threatens the effectiveness of vaccines.

“The symptoms caused by the disease are also slightly different. In the case of the Delta strain, they are more reminiscent of a cold and there are no symptoms as specific as loss of smell, so people already suspected that they may have contracted the coronavirus ”, pointed out A. Žvirblienė. peculiarities of the strain.

Therefore, according to the professor, as soon as you experience the symptoms of a cold, you should have a PCR test.

But even in this case, it will not be immediately determined which strain of the virus has been infected. This is determined by sequential studies, which are performed randomly on only a subset of all positive samples.

“Currently in Lithuania about 13 percent. Samples are given for sequencing. This is a very large number, which allows us to capture new variants of the virus,” explained A.Žvirblienė.

According to her, it is difficult to say how quickly the Delta variety will prevail during the summer season. The situation is also improved by the fact that a significant part of the population has already been vaccinated. It is these two factors that can slow down the spread of the Delta variety.

However, the practice of other countries helps provide a forecast. The professor named the figures published in the United States. Delta varieties are said to be 6 percent per week. increased to 10 percent. all cases of infection.

It is more widespread among young people.

A.Žvirblienė expressed serious doubts that the Delta variety could outperform Lithuania.

“Personally, I really don’t think this strain is completely avoided in this way. If you look at that 42 percent of people who have immunity, we see an even higher proportion who don’t. Some people still can’t get vaccinated. example, children.

But I wonder why the elderly are, I would say, irresponsible with the vaccination process. Still, this virus represents the greatest threat to them, ”the professor urged older people to get vaccinated more actively.

According to her, the Delta memory coronavirus, like its previous variants, is more dangerous for the elderly, those with various comorbidities. However, the Delta variety may also pose a greater threat to the health of younger people.

“It is possible that this variety is less sympathetic to the very young, the young and even children. But the currently available result may be biased. Available data are from countries where older people have been very active in vaccinating.

The prevalence of this new is automatically registered in the population of younger people, ”said A.Žvirblienė.

“Distorted” course of the vaccination process

The teacher explained that this week in Lithuania began at 12-15 years. Teen vaccination is not directly related to the spread of the Delta strain. This decision is based on the fact that the Pfizer vaccine has been registered with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as suitable for people of this age, based on the results of the latest clinical trials.

The teacher said she agreed that a somewhat distorted situation had arisen in Lithuania, as adolescents could already be vaccinated, although the vaccine had not yet reached a large number of older people.

“Older people who don’t get vaccinated for incomprehensible reasons should feel more responsible. Older age groups most at risk of contracting the virus should be vaccinated first, and then younger people should be vaccinated.

Situations in which children are vaccinated to protect the elderly should not be distorted. The opposite should be “, – taught A.Žvirblienė.

He stressed that there is no coercive vaccination and he does not doubt that there will be a number of parents who want to protect their children and get vaccinated, especially if they plan to travel abroad.

A.Žvirblienė also noted that Lithuania already has a considerable variety of vaccines, vaccines from four manufacturers are used, therefore those who do not want one vaccine can always choose another.
