inside – a powder with the name of anthrax, the sender called the Russian Embassy


The suspicious envelope was sent to a private company operating on Partizanų Street.

Around 8 pm 50 min. After opening the envelope, an employee of the company left the envelopes with the powder on which the anthrax was written. It is the Latin name for anthrax.

The woman immediately dialed the emergency number.

The firefighters came to collect an envelope with special protective suits.

“The firefighters arrived, they put the envelope in a vacuum bag and they are waiting for the police,” around 9 pm 20 minutes. Džiuginta Vaitkevičienė, spokesman for the Kaunas Fire and Rescue Board, told news portal

Soon the fire brigade operations chief informed the portal that the envelope had already been handed over to the police.

“The gunpowder will be investigated; once a response is received, it will be clear if it really poses a hazard,” said Odeta Vaitkevičienė, spokesman for the Kaunas County Police Chief Commissioner.

The contents of the envelope should be delivered to the laboratory in the near future, where the specialists will present their findings.

“Anthrax belongs to a group of extremely dangerous infections. The disease is still registered around the world. Anthrax agents can be used as a biological weapon.

Anthrax manifests itself in general intoxication, serous, hemorrhagic inflammation of the skin, inflammation of the lymph nodes, lungs, intestines, meninges. People often have a skin lesion, a carbuncle or an ulcer covered with a charcoal-black crust, ”the Center for Communicable Diseases and AIDS said in a document.

Added at 10 pm 35 min. Kaunas County Police Chief Commissariat Spokesperson Report O.Vaitkevičienė: “Police officers received information about the envelope with suspicious gunpowder received at the company at 9.18 am. The responding forces were immediately dispatched to the scene.

Upon arrival, it turned out that the company has a separate entrance from the field, and today only 2 employees worked on the site, who were taken to a safe environment (field).

Currently, it is expected that the civil protection specialists of the municipality of the city of Kaunas will make a decision on other actions related to the envelope and its contents ”.
