Ingrida sick from COVID-19 openly told how it was: the whole family was sick


And at a time when December is on your nose and there are a few dozen plans, but you realize that something is wrong here. Suspiciously feeling that it is not what it should be.

And really. Some vague burning in the loins and pain in the back. The feeling is that they start to have chills. I put on a serious wool sweater and try to convince myself that maybe anyway, maybe a cold, because like my throat is starting to burn. I’m saying maybe measure the temperature. I try. Thirty-seven and three parts. Interestingly in a way, because I haven’t had a fever in almost a decade. The idea that something is wrong here sinks deeper and deeper through that shaking. There is a suspicion of having a specific name, but I’ll say I’ll see what happens. Or maybe nothing?

Unfortunately, nothing ended. At night he was already seriously shaken, his head heavy as if it were full of sand, his strength was enough to reach the thermometer. Thirty-eight-four parts. The clock read the fourth hour in the morning. I still heard the peeks. The young man complained that he had a stuffy nose and began a runny nose of unknown origin. Not good, I thought. In such a bored state, I slept in my gloomy reflections until a normal morning. Then just as the family woke up, I had hot tea, which seemed to work and I was able to fall asleep for a bit.

I realized that such a start didn’t promise anything good, so I decided to take the initiative. I went to the hospital because it was Sunday. The friendly nurses, nibbling on plastic shoes, suits, bats and gloves, greeted me very kindly and called the doctor on duty. He cautioned that it would take a while: The doctor currently sees less dangerous patients in other wards and may have to wait until his clothes are changed. I agree. And what I have left. Sitting for me, the paracetamol tablet works fine, the temperature does not rise anymore.

The doctor examines me and, after listening to the medical history, decides that I need a covid test. Okay. He had already heard and told all kinds of stories about pierced skulls and lying brains for lying with those sticks.

I was pleasantly surprised that the procedure took only a few moments and was performed in a very professional manner. The nurses and the doctor behaved as if they had been working with this strange virus for years.

Doctors explained that the smears for the tests would only be taken tomorrow, that is, Monday, and you would probably only know the answer on Tuesday afternoon. And from now on, I should start acting like my test is already positive. Well, I’m going home to wait. Let’s all wait. The children began to complain about having their throats pierced. The baby does not have a strange runny nose.

While I was watching TV on Monday night, it suddenly occurred to me to join the portal and check how things are going with my test. The temperature no longer rises. My head is heavy, there is no humor, a strange feeling, a confusion that surprises even me. When I connect, I see that my sample has arrived in the refrigerator, perfectly accepted. I hope to continue.

An odd sense of waiting and an even weirder lab test protocol. Virus found. I will immediately inform all the people I need. Already in the spring, he had experienced the honest behavior of a sick person. I have acted with the same responsibility now. It doesn’t even hit your head to lie, hide or pretend.

The next day, the children are already coughing. That strange runny nose for the baby and the throat for the older man. I am contacted by a representative of the National Health Center. The conversation is not very pleasant. I felt like I was one of the five most irresponsible people in the whole area. I counted the contacts, isn’t the picture so horrible? Two days, ten contacts, three of them members of my own family. The contacts are exclusively for work. Then I think: pale, why should I feel irresponsible and guilty? After all, it seems that I have tried to follow all the instructions as honestly as possible. And I justify myself.

In my opinion, a man with children also got sick. I thought to myself – here he wants. We both take care and don’t go everywhere unnecessarily and we act sensibly anyway. And test COVID-19.

During those days I had to take a very detailed and quick look at all the existing order, what works, what does not work, what to do, how to behave. In the flow of erroneous knowledge, misinterpretations, it was necessary to select what was most important.

Whoever needed him knew he was sick. We receive messages of support, calls. I myself have always tried to support and block everyone who has struggled with this disease much more than we have. I did not understand those couch managers, who were ringing the keyboard fiercely and shouting hysterically: “There is no virus, or you know at least one patient, it’s just the flu, it’s just a runny nose.” We bow our heads to the doctors and nurses. These are the front lines that do their best, but it is disappointing that it often bounces off people’s indifference …

It seems so much around the sick, so much that they are already sick, and yet that leprosy feeling is stuck somewhere with its sharp claws and won’t let go. It’s like taking no blame. As if to justify himself, as if he did not know how to behave.

On the third day of illness, the sense of smell and taste disappeared. And in a very unusual way, I realized that. Until then, I kept smelling perfumes, I have some pretty spicy ones. It was like a litmus test. Everything will look good, smell. Then, and on the third day, boiling the soup suddenly disappeared. Shovel. The meatball soup boils and does not smell. Absolutely. Nothing. I just stuck my nose in the boiling soup. Vapors and odor none. I’m attacking to smell my perfume. No! Nothing. Absolutely. Aquarium. And I was still laughing when the man started complaining that he smelled bad. It was strange eating pregnant, tasteless food all week. It looks like a product, trying not to multiply the spices, but nothing. Does not matter. Like chewing paper. Paper and that has flavor.

Feeling strange after knowing the diagnosis. You know almost everyone knows it. You live locked in your bottle. Put your hand out the door on product bags and still be yourself.

The thoughts before contracting the virus were all sorts of things: What if I got sick, how would my body react? We were lucky. The illness was not very painful and it was not physically exhausted very severely. Congratulations. We are calm for a while. Our agencies are likely to recognize that foreign intruder even after half a year, and they probably always will. So the latest research says, I hope scientists are right.

Was it difficult to stay after everyone closed for two weeks? After all, you often hear that a long stay together begins to annoy, anger family members. Of course, it was difficult. However, we constantly talk about what is happening, how we feel with the children, with each other. Children understand everything perfectly, and it is not easy for them, but that life is not just a pleasure and a pleasure.

I urge everyone to stay home, calm down and do not run through the shops, do not look for secret paths and paths with your loved ones and do without the parties.

Those who still naively hope that there has been a lethargy here will change their minds very soon. Because you don’t know how your body will react to that insidious intruder. A virus that the body has not yet accepted. It was very little that I myself, without thinking of anything bad, almost brought this disease to my parents.

My only friend who found out about my story with a coronavirus says it’s a feminine style. Can be. After a last minute change of mind and postponing today’s meeting, I am calm. Because I don’t know how the disease would have affected my dear people. And none of us know. It is silly to be confused with phrases like “We are all going to die.” Yes, we are all very brave and tough until we face death. Doctors say that brave people who have lost lungs or kidneys to illness are sorry, but it is too late.

Life and health are a great gift. Let’s not give the virus an easy hand.

