Inga, who ran out of income, took her dream by borrowing 180 euros: “A broken heart can hide behind every success story” | Lifetime


But it is not just the forest and not just two houses in it. At the same time, it is the story of a person, born of personal loss, shedding tears and created with the belief that everything will be all right.

Inga Jocė. The mother of two daughters, who, after studying design and architecture, suddenly became a businesswoman of her own.

– Inga, how long has the paradise forest been?

– Not for so long. It all started with the idea about two years ago.

– How and why did the idea come up in the middle of a simple forest, which is not a regional or national park area, so that clients could rent a cabin without any kind of comfort?

– It is a long story. She was a happily married woman, she had two small children. This time I had just given birth to a second daughter and my husband had to take a business trip to Paris.

I only found out soon that I wasn’t in Paris. He was in another town, with another woman. And until then, it seemed like we were the ideal family.

The little daughter was then two months old, the big one was two years old, she was on maternity leave. Everything backwards, I was left not only without income but also with debts. I mumbled for over a yearcompletely.

I had to scrape off the pavement, put it back on the man and think about how to live. People avoid talking about such situations, and the betrayed woman is often overwhelmed by feelings of shame. But I don’t think we should be talking only about brilliant and rewarding results. In real life, behind each success story can hide a torn heart that has had many tests.

People avoid talking about such situations, and the betrayed woman is often overwhelmed by feelings of shame.

But life went on. Fortunately, he had fantastic parents nearby who were the mainstay at the time. I also had very good friends who helped me as much as I could. A little later in my life, Martynas, my current friend, appeared. It helped a lot in terms of ideas.

My parents had once bought an abandoned forest that had become a park over the years. He dug a pond of water, beautified the complex, built a house on the water. Dad liked those unconventional solutions, but he built that cabin just for the needs of the family.

I didn’t even think about the fact that something could be done in this place right away. It seemed as elementary as going out into the courtyard. He is, and so on.

Once a friend and I went to that place to look around, that was Martynas’ wish. The complex was not used at the time. The parents’ biggest activity here was just mowing the grass.

When we were driving, I remember having a campfire with my daughters and a friend, baking sausages, sitting on blocks, baleikos We made a table.

It happened that just then my cousin and his friend came up with the idea of ​​renting their apartment for a short time. Martin looks at that empty house on the water and says: what if you tried as a cousin?

Paradise forest

Paradise forest

– The parents did not object?

– They allowed me to try to implement this idea. Only dad said in Samogitian: Ingut, what’s wrong with you? You may have underestimated, didn’t realize that people are looking for those places, and that the water hut in the photos looks like a postcard. Not only suitable for holding a rake and bucket. After all, in recent years this has been their purpose: parents kept tools and things there.

I remember that I took photos, even at night I went to take photos to make them different.

We decided to inflate the mattress first and put it on the floor. For photos Then I borrowed 180 euros from my parents, because I had to buy a table, several chairs, a small closet, a mirror, a mattress. I didn’t buy new items, they just wouldn’t fit.

– What were the first orders when you announced the rental on special platforms?

– Our first guests were relatives, friends. We did everything in small, shy steps.

– And the first real order? How is he? Covered in joy?

– It was unreal, it was really unreal. The first order was Latvian. They had to arrive a week later. Then I realized that we didn’t have a bed after all. However, family and friends slept on a mattress on the floor. for real guests I needed a bed.

So I thought: what to do? Everything ended well as the first order was canceled and the next was a week later. So I had two weeks to prepare.

I called my neighbor a retiree, and we went to my parents’ warehouse, where many pieces of wood were added. This is how we both made the bed, out of nowhere. We collect all kinds of leftovers, beautifully cleaned, scrubbed, twisted and made.

– Are there no amenities here?

– It’s a bit now. We built a second cabin, so that we can accommodate larger families, because the cabin on the water is very small. So the second cabin has a shower, a toilet. Families with children come, people with special needs, so these facilities should be. Not everyone has an outdoor bathroom or a wooden “shower”.

However, there are no important services here. When the atmosphere is luxurious, very carefully, one does not realize the true luxury. And here is privacy, the forest, nature, peace, remoteness, contact.

When it comes to services, we try to think as much as possible, necessary. But very important Don’t cross the line because it is very slippery

We are not a hotel and we do not plan to be. Coming to us is a different experience. Even people themselves tell us: we are tired of hotels and swimming pools, of things that have become easily accessible and many of them. So people are looking for something else.

We do not accept different visitors at the same time. There can only be one visitor here. Right away, it is true, we think: we will do great business here. But no, now I feel great pleasure in how things are going. And it’s definitely not just about business.

Paradise forest

Paradise forest

– So there are no wedding parties here?

– Once Upon a time. They find us themselves.

– But the cabins can only accommodate a few people?

– Yes, but it is possible to sleep in tents.

– Inga, there is no electricity in your forest. Why?

– My father and I are still discussing this. He says that it is absolutely necessary to introduce electricity, and I say that there is no need for it in any way. Because if there is electricity here, this place will become a farm.

When people come here, they spend time by the campfire and walk through the woods. The cabins have rechargeable LED lights, so we have solved the lighting issues. There are also chandeliers outside, they are installed next to the hot tub, which is very popular in winter. We bring a battery to which we connect the luminaire.

We have solved everything with batteries and accumulators. Even people can charge the computer if necessary.

– Where do you think Forest Paradise’s success is?

– When people arrive, get out of the car and tell them Wow It’s something like that to me. If I can ever accept them live again, I don’t know how I will need to live without that feeling. He buys everything back. I see an incomprehensible meaning in that, because we create an opportunity for people to look to their roots and stay in touch with nature safely and comfortably without being disturbed by anyone. In silence and peace, which is no longer so simple.

And success comes from many components. Forest, privacy, special and the place itself. As if he had a good aura. Probably also important is that everything is done with great love and visitors feel it.

– Divorce was not the only painful event in the family, was it?

– A couple of years after my divorce, my family faced an even more terrible ordeal. We heard my mother’s stomach cancer diagnosis. She was always closer to me, more supportive and helped me recover. It looked like the end of the world. I remember that moment as a kind of black dot. Thank God and the Universe that my mom is an incredibly strong woman. She defeated the disease.

– And inspired you to new things in the forest?

– At first there was a sense of meaninglessness in everything. But when it was all over, and I can talk about it without tears, I decided to share it and do it through Forest Paradise. So everyone who has encountered similar diagnoses is invited to come to the “Forest Paradise” and visit the “Valley of Life” here.

It is a beautiful place in the family forest, next to the river; The place was chosen by my mother. She is a familiar light and an example to everyone of the importance of not giving up, staying optimistic, loving life, and smiling for trials. Everyone will benefit from getting good energy where they get it.

Starting in June, every other Tuesday, the “Valley of Life” will be waiting for other visitors, who will not cost anything. It is important to us that they do not feel alone or that no one understands them.

I would also like to address all empathic people who would like to contribute to the Valley of Life initiative. It is planned to install a place in the forest with all the history, rituals, laser printed on wood and stones, with forest furniture, solar panels, magic lighting, a white forest spring, trails, a meditation audio guide and a special environment . We can do all of this together much faster.

I really know what it means not knowing what to do, not knowing what to turn to. It happens to even the strongest. But I know the most important thing is not to give up on the tests. And don’t be afraid to accept help.

I want to help people because when it was difficult for me, it helped me a lot. Let it be the butterfly effect when we start with ourselves, and it grows, spreads and delights the world.

– Listening to you, it seems to me that you do many things intuitively.

– I do a lot in my life to feel. I feel like I’m starting to understand myself better, read the signs better. Sometimes I know how it will be. I know, and I don’t need anyone to explain anything to me.

Feeling is a strong thing, it takes me forward.
