Infectious diseases: if such numbers persist for more than three days, quarantine should be lifted


The coronavirus curve jumped again. During the last day, 19 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda counties. This is the highest number of people infected in the last month. Rolanda Lingienė, director of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health, confirms that the virus continues to spread rapidly in the country’s medical institutions, especially in Santara’s clinics. An infected doctor visited a sports club, so up to 100 people had to isolate themselves.

“Six people linked to the Santara clinics became ill with Covid-19. Three employees of the Santara clinic, two close people and a patient. Also, as we reported yesterday, Covid-19 disease was diagnosed in a person hospitalized at Kretinga Hospital, “says Rolanda Lingienė, director of the department.

The outbreak continues in Kernavė. Three more children of people who attended a private celebration became ill with Covid-19. In addition, the coronavirus was detected in an employee of the Afiddea medical center located in the complex of buildings of the Vilnius City Clinical Hospital. Two cases of imports from Poland have also been reported, but epidemiologists are more concerned with people who are not associated with the outbreak of a dangerous infection but who are infected with the virus. There were four of them on the last day.

“Speaking of which, an employee of the Vilnius District Outpatient Clinic, as well as employees of two companies and an employee of the Vilnius City Ambulance Station, contracted Covid-19 disease,” says R. Lingienė.

The aforementioned employee of an outpatient clinic in the Vilnius district visited the birthday party, where up to 30 people participated.

“In this case, the centennial of a very honorable age was celebrated. This, well, somehow would give a bigger gift in a completely different way, either by postponing the holidays or showing respect in a different way,” says R Lingienė.

The number of cornavirus cases increased just as the government announced that it would lift its quarantine starting next week. Minister Aurelius Veryga does not abandon these plans, but threatens local quarantine in settlements where new Covid-19 fireplaces are now being installed. According to the minister, the public must understand that the virus has not gone anywhere, and the need to protect persists.

“It is difficult to be in the way it is, but everything has its price. But that quick race to the festivities, to the meetings, shows that it is enough for a person to get infected, and we already have dozens of high contact people. Then we test everyone, then we find a dozen and so the disease spreads, “said Minister Aurelijus Veryga.

However, infectious doctor Arvydas Ambrozaitis says the figures for the last day show that we fired the guards too soon and fear that the quarantine may have to be extended before it can be stopped.

“If such numbers, that increased morbidity continues for more than three days, I think the quarantine should be lifted and the quarantine continued. Maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or today those numbers will be much lower. Then we could calm down. But if they continue and will continue to be, they are really worrisome, ”says infectious diseaseologist Arvydas Ambrozaitis.

Scientists around the world say it was the quarantine that spanned much of the world that significantly slowed the spread of the virus. Here, a team of researchers from Imperial College London estimated that timely quarantine restrictions had prevented some three million deaths in eleven European countries, and disease modelers at Columbia University recently estimated that 36,000 deaths would have occurred if States United would have been quarantined a week or two before. and more than 600,000 fewer infections. Lithuanian scientists do not speculate on how many lives were saved after the quarantine announcement, but they do not doubt that it was necessary.

“We, Lithuania, know that we had one of the lowest morbidity rates in the European Union. The success story we have had was largely due to quarantine. We did not allow it to spread, many chimneys were not formed, perhaps the walls were closed, they did not spread in the healthcare facilities. We have practically preserved all the healthcare institutions, “says Rolanda Valintėlienė, representative of the Institute of Hygiene.

“It just came to our attention then. The fact that there was a lower chance of finding this infection and gaining immunity. On the other hand, Sweden has one of the highest Covid-19 death rates: 44 cases per 100,000. population Let’s compare the world average: 4 cases on average 100 thousand population mortality, and in Lithuania there are two This is a big difference This is a certain price Quarantine saves people’s lives, but creates a crisis economic and prolongs the pandemic period, “says A. Ambrozaitis.

According to the latest data, a total of 1,752 cases of COVID-19 infection have been confirmed in the country. 1,372 people recovered and 74 died.
