Infections in the illegal countryside of Lithuania: hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV


Although the list of their diseases is being completed, no special investigation is carried out on the migrants who have arrived illegally in Lithuania. The fact that one or the other disease is present only becomes evident when the illegal person needs urgent help.

In the TV3 news images, you can see and hear how it is illegal to cross the border and pass through the border with Lithuania while already ill.

Similar symptoms have led to an illegal form of tuberculosis housed in one of the country’s camps. It is true that more about this case the authorities are silent. And here, a family doctor working on a mobile team in Verebie says that he has also faced illegal illnesses and other illnesses.

“There is mainly hepatitis, HIV, they have anemia there, due to chronic diseases. There he complained of weakness, shortness of breath and cough. And on inspection, he looked anemic, pale, so when I called the ambulance, I took him to the reception department. He put it away for a day, tried to restore both that blood and the general condition, ”says Jūratė Overaitytė, a member of the mobile team.

The mayor of the district of Alytus paantrina – in Verebie last week almost a third of the people living in the countryside needed medical help. A total of 167 of them are here.

True, the mayor admits that if a person complains about a disease, he is examined and doctors find one or another disease. However, without COVID-19 in particular, illegally investigated for nothing else, and the patients are not isolated, they live with everyone.

The mayor of the Alytus district, Algirdas Vrubliauskas, says: “There is no such restriction, even advertising is probably not very possible. We are investigating it, and others are not investigating it, say, for HIV, etc. And no one can tell what bouquet is in them. There are many sick people ”.

Illegally investigated illegally also in other municipalities.

Romas Jankauskas, representative of the municipality of Alytus, states: “We have no explanation from the Ministry of Health about preventive research. Those clarifications are promised and funding issues are promised, but so far it has been promised. That is, today, if there are no complaints or indications, then no individual investigation is being done. “

The Ministry of Health does not hide that it is up to the municipalities to deal with illegal diseases. They have to take care of everything: both the premises where ill illegals are isolated and how to control them. COVID-19 infection remains the biggest headache to date. The seriously ill men are isolated in a prison hospital. Women and children separately.

“Other places of isolation are being sought for children and women. Isolation places are being prepared in the Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital. Where there are also certain protective conditions. Women with children are isolated in the wards of municipal hospitals. school facilities ”, says Birutė Kavaliauskienė, representative of the Ministry.

Since last week, mobile medical teams are required to operate in all municipalities to ease the burden of so-called ambulances.

“The money for the work of the mobile team, and more precisely for the emergency, hospitalization or reception services that will be provided to the migrants if the mobile team cannot provide it in its entirety, will be paid by the sickness funds and reimbursed by budget state ”, says B. Kavaliauskienė.

And the mayor of Alytus makes no secret that taxpayers will have to pay for the illegal desire to improve their health, not just for emergency care.

“They demand a doctor, yes, they want to greetfinally, and our level of medicine is higher. They know it too, the Africans. They at least, if they don’t get a visa or a permanent residence document, at least it’s health. Dentists: we already treat the teeth. There are many people with bad teeth and there is a problem here, how much are they going to pay here, because there are almost sterile mouths like this, ”says the mayor.

The doctors do not speak in the cell, but both they and the illegal security guards scream out of fear of various diseases. However, no one seems to react to such fears.
